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Found 23538 results
L. Capistrano, «A study on personal and home hygiene in flood prone communities in the Philippines : paper presented at the South Asia Hygiene Practitioners Workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1 to 4 February 2010», in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010, p. 7 p. : 1 map.
K. E. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Nairobi, «Study on the usage of urinals in Kenyan schools». UNICEF, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 40 p.; 11 fig.; 9 tab.; 4 photographs, 2010.
S. N. V. Asia y IRC, «Summary email discussion on performance monitoring in SSH4A project», IRC and SNV, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2010.
K. Shordt, «Summary report of the South Asia Hygiene practitioners’ workshop, 1 – 4 February 2010, Rajendrapur, Bangladesh», presented at the 2010-02-01, Washington, DC, USA, 2010, p. 9 p. : 1 tab. .
IRC, «Summary report South Asia Hygiene Practitioners' workshop 2010», South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers. 2010.
Š. M. Zavrl y M. Zeren, T., «Sustainability of urban infrastructures», Sustainability, pp. P. 2950-2964; 34 refs.; 5 fig.; 2 tab., 2010.
K. E. C. A. R. E. - Nairobi, «Sustainable livelihood security for vulnerable household in seven districts of Nyanza province (dak achana) program : water, sanitation and education for health (waseh) project : final documentation october 2003- september 2009». CARE Kenya, S.l., p. 19 p.; 1 fig.; 4 tab., 2010.
H. Heinonen-Tanski, Pradhan, S. K., y Karinen, P., «Sustainable sanitation : a cost-effective tool to improve plant yields and the environment», Sustainability, pp. P. 341-353; 45 refs.; 1 tab., 2010.
S. N. V. Asia y IRC, «Sustainable sanitation and hygiene for all: performance monitoring instruction». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 27 p. : 22 tab., 2010.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, «Sustainable water and sanitation services at scale : changing the business as usual approach ». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 17 p.; 5 boxes; 8 photographs, 2010.
D. D. J. Antia, «Sustainable zero-valent metal (ZVM) water treatment associated with diffusion, infiltration, abstraction, and recirculation», Sustainability, pp. P. 2988-3073; 125 refs.; 77 fig., 2010.
K. E. C. A. R. E. - Nairobi, «Sustaining and scaling school water, sanitation, and hygiene plus community impact : a brochure». CARE Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 2 p.; 4 photographs , 2010.
SWASH + Kenya -Nairobi, KE, Sustaining and Scaling School Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Plus Community Impact - Kenya, «The SWASH-plus project : lessons learned from field-visits». CARE Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 13 slides; 3 photographs, 2010.
C. Brocklehurst y Bartram, J., «Swimming upstream : why sanitation, hygiene and water are so important to mothers and their daughters», Bulletin of the World Health Organization, p. p. 482, 2010.
«Synthesis report from the IRC Symposium 2010: Pumps, Pipes and Promises: Costs, Finances and Accountability for Sustainable WASH Services», 2010.
X. Wang y Hunter, P. R., «A systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between self-reported diarrheal disease and distance from home to water source», American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, pp. P. 582 - 584;1 fig.; 1 tab., 2010.
W. Carter, «Taking stock : are we being served - how suppliers and researchers can do better », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 85-89, 2010.
B. Tuffuor, «Tanker services as an alternative model for delivering water to the urban poor : a case study». p. iii, 21 p.; 3 tab.; 1 fig.; 1 photograph, 2010.
P. Morgan y Shangwa, A., «Teaching ecological sanitation in schools : a compilation of manuals and fact sheets». EcoSanRes, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Stockholm, Sweden, p. 335 p. : ill., 2010.
P. Morgan y Shangwa, A., «Teaching schoolchildren about handwashing : experiences from Zimbabwe », Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 337-342 : photogr., 2010.
H. B. Mang y Li, Z., «Technology review of biogas sanitation : biogas sanitation for blackwater, brown water or for excreta and organic household waste treatment and reuse in developing countries». Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ, Eschborn, Germany, p. 21 p.; 17 fig.; 3 tab., 2010.
A. Locussol y van Ginneken, M., «Template for assessing the governance of public water supply and sanitation service providers», vol. no. 23. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. iv, 31 p. : fig., tab., 2010.
G. Aboma y Birhane, G., «Think local, act local II : impediments to effective financing of sanitation services in Ethiopia : the case of three local governments ». WaterAid, London, UK, p. 22 p.; 1 box; 8 fig.; 3 charts, 2010.
J. Collett, «Thirty-five years of searching for answers to rural sanitation and hygiene in Bhutan : paper presented at the South Asia Hygiene Practitioners Workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1 to 4 February 2010», in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010, p. 11 p.; 5 boxes; 1 tab.; 5 fig.
S. Knauer, de Nascimento, N. O., Butterworth, J., Smits, S., Lobina, E., y Municipality, B. Horizonte, «Towards integrated urban water management in Belo Horizonte, Brazil : a review of the SWITCH project». S.n., S.l., p. 37 p.; 10 fig.; 3 tab.; 8 boxes, 2010.


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