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«Annual report 2004 NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation». p. 60 p. : fig., tab., 2005.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, «Apex bodies : the coordinating eye behind water sector reforms». Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. 1 p., 2005.
D. Wang, «Applying the ecosan concept for integrated wastewater management at a new conference centre and tourist resort in Kunshan, China », vol. 05.03. UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 81 p.; 37 tab.; 89 fig., 2005.
H. Mattila, Appropriate management of on-site sanitation, vol. no. 537. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, 2005, p. 151 p. : 25 fig., 9 tab.
«April 2005», Watershed. 2005.
«April 2005», IK world wide. 2005.
J. de Koning y Thiesen, S., «Aqua solaris : an optimized small scale desalination system with 40 litres output per square meter based upon solar-thermal distillation», Desalination, pp. p. 503-509 : 5 fig., 2005.
S. Hanchett y Howard, G., «Arsenic in domestic water sources : the human side of the Bangladesh and West Bengal crisis ». S.n., S.l., p. 31 p.; 4 tab., 2005.
K. Obiri-Danso, Weobong, C. A. A., y Jones, K., «Aspects of health-related microbiology of the Subin, an urban river in Kumasi, Ghana», Journal of water and health, pp. p. 69-76 : 2 fig., 4 tab., 2005.
J. Conant, «Assainissement et proprete pour un environnement sain». Hesperian Foundation, Berkeley, CA, USA, p. 48 p. : fig., 2005.
O. M. Brandes, Ferguson, K., M'Gonigle, M., y Sandborn, C., At a watershed : ecological governance and sustainable water management in Canada. Victoria, BC, Canada: University of Victoria, POLIS Project on Ecological Governance, 2005, p. xi, 105 p. : 58 boxes.
«At the end of the pipe?». p. 2 p., 2005.
«At the end of the pipe? : insights, visions and ideas on a shift in the sanitation paradigm formulated during expert meetings held in the Netherlands January-March 2005». p. 9 p., 2005.
M. Geurts y de Bruijne, G., «At the end of the pipe? : proceedings of expert meetings held in the Netherlands January-March 2005». WASTE, Gouda, The Netherlands, p. CD-ROM (70 p. : boxes), 2005.
J. Butterworth, Reddy, Y. V. Malla, Renuka, B., y Reddy, G. V., «Avoiding fluoride in drinking water, Andhra Pradesh, India», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p.24-26 : 1 box, 1 fig., 3 photogr., 1 tab., 2005.
«AWARD annual report 2003-2004». p. 12 p. : photogr., 2005.
G. Wolff y Hallstein, E., Beyond privatization : restructuring water systems to improve performance. Oakland, CA, USA: Pacific Institute, 2005, p. viii, 112 p. : 1o boxes, 14 fig., 11 tab.
K. Eales, «Bringing pit emptying out of the darkness : a comparison of approaches in Durban, South Africa, and Kibera, Kenya». Business Partners for Development (BPD) Water and Sanitation Cluster, S.l., p. 9 p.; 1 fig.; 1 diagram, 2005.
NEWAH -Kathmandu, NP, Nepal Water for Health, Browsing through the newspapers : the status of sanitation in Nepal : a collection of sanitation articles = [title in Nepali]. Kathmandu, Nepal: Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH), 2005, p. 27 p. + 27 p. .
B. Reed y Smout, I., Building with the community : engineering projects to meet the needs of both men and women. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, 2005, p. 16 p.
P. Pybus y Buckle, H., «Bulk suppliers of potable water : building awareness and overcoming obstacles to water demand management», vol. no. 3. p. 56 p. : 6 boxes, photogr., 2005.
B. Gumbo, «Bulk suppliers of untreated water : building awareness and overcoming obstacles to water demand management», vol. no. 2. p. 40 p. : 10 boxes, 6 fig., photogr., 3 tab., 2005.
J. Chenoweth y Bird, J., The business of water and sustainable development. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing, 2005, p. 277 p.
ARD -Washington, DC, US y USAID -Washington, DC, US, «Case studies of bankable water and sewerage utilities. Volume 1. Overview report». USAID, Washington, DC, USA, p. ix, 34 p. : 7 fig., 8 tab., 2005.
«Case studies of bankable water and sewerage utilities. Volume 2. Compendium of case studies». p. vii, 73 p., 2005.


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