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Found 23538 results
T. Selomon, «Community management and the small scale independent providers in peri-urban and rural areas, Eritrea», Water and sanitation update : a newsletter of NETWAS International, p. p. 6, 10, 11, 2000.
«Community management notes : information focal point on community management (IFP)», Water and sanitation update : a newsletter of NETWAS International, 2000.
C. McIvor, «Community participation in water management : experiences from Zimbabwe», Development and cooperation (D+C), pp. p. 22-24 : 1 photogr., 2000.
B. C. Weisburd, «Community sanitation in Yoff, Senegal», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 13-17 : 9 photogr., 2000.
G. D. Rose, «Community-based technologies for domestic wastewater treatment and reuse : options for urban agriculture», vol. no. 27. International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Ont, Canada, p. v, 75 p. : 3 tab., 16 fig., 2000.
Z. A. Mvula Trus Braamfontein, «Compendium of appropriate practice in peri-urban and rural water and sanitation delivery». Mvula Trust, Braamfontein, South Africa, p. 26 p. : boxes, 2000.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen y VN, M. A. R. D. Viet Nam., «Component description : national capacity building : water sector Viet Nam». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. vii, 88 p. : map, tab., 2000.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen y VN, M. A. R. D. Viet Nam., «Component description rural water supply and sanitation : water sector Viet Nam». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. v, 59 p. fig., map, 2000.
L. K. Comprehens Colombo, «Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture water for food, water for life issue briefs». Comprehensive Assessment Secretariat, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2000.
C. C. de Nava, Comunicación de riesgos para el manejo de sustancias peligrosas con énfasis en residuos peligrosos : manual. Mexico City, Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Ecologia (INE), 2000, p. 109 p. : tab., graphics.
K. D. Neder, «Condominial sewerage design and implementation manual ». S.n., S.l., p. 46 p.; 12 fig., 2000.
C. A. Madera, Pena, M., Montenegro, F., Garces, H., y Mara, D. D., «Consideraciones sobre la calidad microbiologica del efluente de un sistema de lagunas utilizado para riego restringido en el Valle del Cauca». S.n., Cali, Colombia, p. 10 p. : tab., graphics, 2000.
D. A. Mashauri, Abdulhussein, B. S., y Mulungu, D. M. M., «Constructed wetland at the University of Dar es Salaam», Water research, pp. p. 1135-1144 : 5 fig., 2 tab., 2000.
H. Brix, Kadlec, R. H., Knight, R. L., Vymazal, J., Cooper, P., y Haberl, R., Constructed wetlands for pollution control : process, performance, design and operation, vol. no. 8. London, UK: IWA Publishing, 2000, p. xii, 156 p. : fig., tab.
G. Borduas y Trottier, J., «Construction des centres de collecte de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso : avant projet détaillé pour la construction des centres de collecte de Ouagadougou : clauses techniques, émission finale». Dessau-Soprin Inc., Montreal, Que, Canada, p. 32 p. : fig., map, tabs., 2000.
S. Lahiri y Chanthaphone, S., «Consumers choice .. the sanitation ladder : rural sanitation options in Lao PDR». Water and Sanitation Program - East Asia and the Pacific, WSP-EAP, Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 16 HTML files : fig. ; 42 p. : ills., 2000.
A. H. Smith, Lingas, E. O., y Rahman, M., «Contamination of drinking-water by arsenic in Bangladesh : a public health emergency», Bulletin of the World Health Organization, pp. p. 1093-1103 : 3 boxes, 2 fig., 1 tab., 2000.
P. Ankum, «Control de fujo en riego y drenaje». Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ingenieria, Cali, Colombia, p. 296 p. : tab., graphics, 2000.
T. Sepamo, «Co-operation with small scale independent service providers in Lesotho», Water and sanitation update : a newsletter of NETWAS International, pp. p. 9 - 10, 2000.
N. L. R. A. W. O. O. - The Hague, Coping with globalization : the need for research concerning the local response to globalization in developing countries, vol. no. 20. The Hague, The Netherlands: Netherlands Development Assistance Research Council (RAWOO), 2000, p. 30 p. + 20 p. annexes : tab.
K. Komives y Prokopy, L. S., «Cost recovery in partnership: results, attitudes, lessons and strategies». Business Partners for Development (BPD) Water and Sanitation Cluster, London, UK, p. [iv], 34 p. : 3 boxes, 6 fig., 6 tab., 2000.
C. Ministerio CO, «Costos y tarifas : municipios menores y zonas rurales». Colombia, Ministerio de Desarrollo Economico, p. 51 p., 2000.
V. G. Tzatchkov y Pearson, H. W., «Criterios de diseño de sistemas lagunares usados en México». Cali, Colombia, p. 11 p. : tab., 2000.
W. H. Reinicke, Deng, F., Witte, J. M., Benner, T., Whitaker, B., y Gershman, J., Critical choices : the United Nations, networks, and the future of global governance. Ottawa, Ont, Canada: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2000, p. 164 p.
Global Water Partnership - Stockholm, SE, GWP, «De la vision à l'action pour l'Afrique de l'ouest (présenté à la Hayes, au 2è forum mondial del'eau 17 - 22 mars 2000) = Vision to action for West Africa (presented at the Hague 2nd world water forum 17 - 22 march 2000)». Global Water Partnership (GWP), The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 46 p. : tabs., 2000.


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