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Found 23538 results
United Nations -New York, NY, US, «Comprehensive assessment of the freshwater resources of the world : report of the Secretary-General». United Nations Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development, New York, NY, USA, p., 1997.
U. G. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Kampala y UG, U. Ministry o, «Concept paper : promotion of sanitation in Uganda». Uganda, Ministry of Health, Kampala, Uganda, p. ii, 27 p. + annexes (3 p.) : boxes, 13 fig., 1997.
Inter-American Development Bank -Washington, DC, US y PAHO -Washington, DC, US, «Conferencia sobre reforma y modernizacion de los servicios de agua potable y saneamiento para Centro America, Haiti, Mexico y Rep. Dominicana: informe de la conferencia, San Pedro de Sula, Honduras 29 de septiembre al 1o. de octubre de 1996». Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. ii, 289 p. : fig., tab., 1997.
C. K. Lee y Yu, C. W., «Conservation of water resources : use of sea water for flushing in Hong Kong», Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, pp. p. 202-209 : 3 fig., 2 tab., 1997.
C. A. van Wijk-Sijbesma, «Constraints and key approaches in water supply and sanitation for low income urban neighbourhoods». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 11 p. : 5 fig., 1997.
CREPA -Ouagadougou, BF, Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout, «Construction de citerne de captage des eaux de pluies (impluvium) : manuel de formation des ouvriers macons». Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 37 p. : ill., 1997.
C. L. C. E. P. A. L. - Santiago, Contribuciones al taller sobre aspectos de la privatización de las empresas de servicios públicos relacionadas con el agua en las Américas. S.l.: CEPAL, 1997, p. 75 p. : tab. .
P. M. Grondin, «Contribution du pS-Eau aux assises de la cooperation et de la solidarite internationale». pS-Eau, Programme Solidarite Eau, Paris, France, p. 51 p. : 37 fig., 1997.
P. E. Moffa, The control and treatment of combined sewer overflows, 2nd ed.ª ed. New York, NY, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997, p. xi, 292 p. : fig., tab.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Jaipur, «Control of diarrhoeal diseases, water and sanitation integration : draft plan of action 1997 : Alwar district, Rajasthan». UNICEF, Jaipur, India, p. 40 p. : maps, tab., 1997.
«Cooperation on transboundary waters», Natural resources forum, pp. p. 83-84, 1997.
O. O. Kale y Akinsola, H. A., «Copepod filters for guinea-worm control : users have their say», World health forum, pp. p. 270-273 : 1 fig., 1997.
A. K. Biswas, Murakami, M., Kolars, J., Waterbury, J., y Wolf, A., Core and periphery : a comprehensive approach to Middle Eastern water, vol. no. 5. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1997, p. xvii, 160 p. : fig., tab.
D. D. Mwanza, «Country level collaboration workshop, Abidjan, 3-7 March 1997 : country experiences : water sector reform in Zambia». WSSCC Working Group on Country Level Collaboration, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 13 p. : 1 fig., 2 tab., 1997.
B. E. European C. Brussels, «Country report : Burkina Faso», The Courier, pp. p. 14-30 : map, tab., photogr., 1997.
M. de Niet y Peereboom, M., «De virtuele bibliotheek : definitie van kernbegrippen». Royal Library, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1997.
R. Bird, «Decentralization in Uganda». Uganda, Ministry of Local Government, Decentralization Secretariat, Kampala, Uganda, p. 28 pag., 1997.
K. E. World Bank Nairobi, «Demand responsive approaches to community water supply : moving from policy to practice». UNDP-World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group East Africa, World Bank, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 1 poster (6 p. A4), 1997.
L. Department LS, «[Department of Rural Water Supply strategy]. Vol. I. Executive overview». Lesotho, Department of Rural Water Supply, Maseru, Lesotho, p. 41 p. : 8 fig., 4 tabs., 1997.
M. Dioubate, «Des formations en appui au projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable des villes de Coyah et de Dubréka en Guinée-Conakry». Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 110 p. , 1997.
B. Collignon, «Des hommes pour faire jaillir l'eau : la promotion des artisans puisatiers en Afrique». Association Francaise des Volontaires du Progres, Montlhery, France, p. 20 p. : box, fig., photogr., 1997.
B. Sommer, «Desalination at household level : results of a literature review», SANDEC news, pp. p. 11-14, 1997.
S. R. Mendonça, «Desarrollo de nuevas tecnologi­as y metodologi­as en abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento basico en Bolivia». Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), La Paz, Bolivia, p. 21 p. : fig., photogr., 1997.
D. D. Mara, Design manual for waste stabilization ponds in India. Leeds, UK: Lagoon Technology International, 1997, p. viii, 125 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
T. J. Cook, Krahl, L., Wood, L., Krieger, D., Loeb, A. P., Saleh, M., y Garcia-Surette, M., «Design of a monitoring and evaluation plan for Egypt's environment sector and USAID's Egyptian environmental policy program. Vol. I. Text», vol. no. 41. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ix, 84 p. : fig., tab., 1997.


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