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Found 23539 results
J. Valdelin, Alexander, E., Molokomme, I. M., Boman, K., Browne, D., Gronvall, M., y Settergren, G., Rural village water supply programme - Botswana, vol. no. 96/10. Stockholm, Sweden: SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, 1996, p. iii, 64 p. : tab.
M. C. Dindar, «Rural water supply and sanitation : a transfer of technology through the Internet». University of Durban-Westville, Durban, South Africa, p. 91 p. + annexes (37 p.) : drwngs., fig., tab., 1996.
I. Rajiv Gand IN, «Rural water supply programme : progress report May 1996». Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, New Delhi, India, p. 21 p. + annexes (ca. 50 p.) : tab., 1996.
J. Sara, Gross, A., y van den Berg, C., «Rural water supply & sanitation in Bolivia : from pilot project to national program». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. iii, 43 p. : fig., tab., 1996.
J. J. Akong'a y Maithya, H. M. K., «Safe water environment in Eldoret town : the social dimension», in Conference on safe water environments, Eldoret, Kenya, August 21-23, 1995, 1996, pp. P. 33-44 : 8 tab.
M. Simpson-Hebert, «Sanitation and the seven Ps - problems, promise, principles, people, politics, professionalism - and potties», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 12-14 : 2 boxes, 3 photogr., 1996.
J. Adams, Sanitation in emergency situations : proceedings of an international workshop, held in Oxford, December 1995. Oxford, UK: Oxfam, 1996, p. 51 p.
D. O. Ikin, «A sanitation success story - the effects of demand creation in Bangladesh», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 9-11 : 4 photogr., 1996.
J. A. Awunyo-Akaba, «School health education programme (SHEP) : specific training syllabus/curriculum on water and sanitation hygiene education for schools in Ghana». Training Research and Networking for Development (TREND), Kumasi, Ghana, p. 50 p. : tabs., 1996.
J. A. Awunyo-Akaba, «School health programme : monitoring, support supervision and evaluation visits to selected phase 1 pilot trained schools : Volta Region : November 1995 to April, 1996». Future Generation International, Ho, Ghana, p. 20 p. + 35 p. annexes : photogr., tab., 1996.
K. B. Das, «School sanitation in primary schools in Vietnam», Waterfront, p. p. 16, 25, 1996.
D. Bajracharya, «School sanitation programme in Bangladesh», Waterfront, pp. p. 20-21, 26 : 2 fig., 1 tab., 1996.
B. D. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Dhaka y BD, D. P. H. E. Bangladesh, «School sanitation project : a safe learning environment initiative : discussion paper». UNICEF, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. iv, 17 p. : fig., 1996.
«School-based safe environment and improved sanitation/hygiene/health programme : deworming of school children and use of nail clippers as entry point to promote safe enivironment, improved sanitation and hygiene». S.n., S.l., p. 11 p. : 2 tab., 1996.
E. S. Mwasha, «Schoolchildren help solve sanitation problems in Tanzania», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 21 : 1 fig., 1996.
L. I. Elpiner, «Second International Congress "Water: Ecology and Technology" ECWATECH-96, Moscow, September, 17-21, 1996 : abstracts». SIBICO International, Moscow, Russian Federation, p. 393, xxxv p., 1996.
C. H. W. S. S. C. C. Work Geneva, «Second meeting of the Working Group on Water Supply and Sanitation Development in Africa, Addis Ababa, 28th-30th October, 1996 : draft minutes of the meeting». Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 61 p., 1996.
Y. Ministry o YE, «Sector policy and strategy : second workshop, Sana'a, September 8-10, 1996 : workshop report, conclusions and recommendations». Yemen, Ministry of Electricity and Water, Sana'a, Yemen, p. ca. 50 p., 1996.
S. Dermijn, «SEILA Programme CARERE2 : Workshops General rural development planning (23 - 27 April 1996); Rural water supply & sanitation planning (29 April - 3 May 1996) : conclusions, recommendations and discussion». SAWA, Ede, The Netherlands, p. 18 p. + 14 p. annexes, 1996.
C. S. Arrais, «Selective solid waste collection and recycling in Recife, Brazil». Urban Cleaning and Maintenance Unit, EMLURB, Recife, Brazil, p. 6 p., 1996.
Federacao das Industrias do Estado de Pernambuco -Recife, BR, FIEPE, «Selective solid waste collection and recycling in Recife, Brazil : a self sufficient initiative». Federacao das Industrias do Estado de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, p. Video [10 min.] : NTSC, 1996.
F. R. Centre Int Nancy y Office National de l'Eau Potable -Rabat, MA, ONEP, «Seminaire : developpement de l'approvisionnement en eau potable et assainissement en milieu rural et semi-rural, Rabat, Janvier 1996». Office National de l'Eau Potable, ONEP, Rabat, Morocco, p. ca. 290 p., 1996.
G. McRobie, «Services for the urban poor : a people-centred approach», vol. no. 1. Lund University, Lund Centre for Habitat Studies, Lund, Sweden, p. 21 p. : fig., tabs., 1996.
J. Abbott, Sharing the city : community participation in urban management. London, UK: Earthscan, 1996, p. ix, 247 p. : fig., tab.
P. H. Killewo, Ruta, P., y Lungwa, E., «Singida integrated rural development project», in Sustainability of water and sanitation systems : proceedings of the 21st WEDC conference, Kampala, Uganda, 4-8 September 1995, 1996, pp. P. 96-98.


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