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Found 23539 results
S. A. Esrey, «Water, waste, and well-being : a multicountry study», American journal of epidemiology, pp. p. 608-623 : 5 fig., 5 tab., 1996.
R. G. McLaughlan, Water well deterioration : diagnosis and control, vol. no. 1/96. Sydney, NSW, Australia: National Centre for Groundwater Management, 1996, p. xii, 99 p., 8 p. pl. : 21 fig., 7 tab.
«WaterAid people». WaterAid, London, UK, p. video [12 min.] : VHS, 1996.
G. F. Craun, Calderon, R. L., y Frost, F. J., «Waterborne disease surveillance», Journal American Water Works Association, pp. p. 66-75 : 4 boxes, 2 fig., 1 tab., 1996.
C. M. Rogerson, «Willingness to pay for water : the international debates», Water SA, pp. p. 373-380, 1996.
C. H. Ratnam, «With water only metres away», in Sustainability of water and sanitation systems : proceedings of the 21st WEDC conference, Kampala, Uganda, 4-8 September 1995, 1996, pp. P. 76-79 : 5 fig., 2 tab.
J. Songsore y McGranahan, G., Women and household environmental care in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), Ghana, vol. no. 2. Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 1996, p. vi, 32 p. : 1 fig., 10 tab.
B. van Koppen y Mahmud, S., Women and water-pumps in Bangladesh : the impact of participation in irrigation groups on women's status. London, UK: IT Publications, 1996, p. xxxvi, 174 p. + 43 p. annexes : photogr., tab.
E. Bwengye-Kahororo, «Women, water, sanitation in south west Uganda», in Sustainability of water and sanitation systems : proceedings of the 21st WEDC conference, Kampala, Uganda, 4-8 September 1995, 1996, pp. P. 13-14.
N. Ybanez, «Women's participation in CVWSP : case study : a development study of Sta Catalina, Negros Oriental». AusAID Australian Agency for International Development, Canberra, ACT, Australia, p. 29 p. : tab., 1996.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, The World Bank's partnership with nongovernmental organizations. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1996, p. v, 38 p. : 6 boxes, photogr.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, UNDP -New York, NY, US, World Resources Institute -Washington, DC, US, y Nairobi, K. E. U. N. E. P. -, World resources 1996-97 : a guide to the global environment : the urban environment. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press, 1996, p. xiv, 365 p. : boxes, fig., photogr., tab.
J. Audefroy, «15 alternative experiences in drinking water and sanitation in urban communities : case studies cross analysis». Habitat International Coalition, Mexico City, Mexico, p. 15 p., 1995.
J. Audefroy, «15 experiences alternatives pour l'eau potable et l'assainissement dans les quartiers urbain : synthese des 15 etudes de cas». Habitat International Coalition, Mexico City, Mexico, p. 15 p., 1995.
D. Auclair, «1996-2000 cooperation program Burkina Faso», Burkina Faso : country kit = Burkina Faso : dossier pays. UNICEF, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. Video (20 min.) + booklet, 40 p.: PAL, 1995.
UNDP -New York, NY, US y City, M. X. Habitat In, «50 experiencias en el campo del agua y saneamiento : nuevas tecnologias y dinamicas sociales». Habitat International Coalition, Mexico City, Mexico, p. 126 p., 1995.
Netherlands. Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment -NL, VROM y IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Achievements and challenges, vol. no. 2. The Hague, The Netherlands: Netherlands, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, 1995, p. xi, 35p.: 8 photogr.
V. Francis y Turner, V., «Achieving community support for trachoma control : a guide for district health work». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 40 p. : 26 fig., 1995.
K. D. Hapugoda, «Action research study on rain water harvesting», vol. 2. Sri Lanka, Ministry of Housing, Construction & Public Utilities, CWSSP, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka, p. 120 p.: fig., tab., ill., 1995.
Royal Tropical Institute -Amsterdam, NL, KIT, «Advancing women's status : women and men together?». Royal Tropical Institute, Information, Library and Documentation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. 200 p., 1995.
N. L. Commission Utrecht, Advisory review of the environmental impact statement Andhra Pradesh groundwater bore well irrigation schemes (APWell) and recommendations for the inception report of the APWell project, India. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment, 1995, p. v, 17 + annexes (ca. 45 p) : 5 fig., 1 map.
I. N. S. G. S. India Hyderabad y Gallen, C. H. S. K. A. T. - St., «Afridev handpump installation and maintenance manual». SKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management), St. Gallen, Switzerland, p. 75 p. : fig., 1995.
G. F. Diergaardt y Lemmer, T. N., «Alternative disinfection methods for small water supply schemes with chlorination problems», Water supply : the review journal of the International Water Supply Association, pp. p. 309-312: 1 fig., 1995.
Y. W. Komenan, «Amelioration de l'environnement des zones periurbaines de Yaossehi et Doukoure a Yopougon : analyse de la situation concernant l'approvisionnement en eau et la precollecte des ordures menageres a Yaossehi et Doukoure». Water and Sanitation Program - West and Central Africa (WSP-WCA), Abidjan, Ivory Coast, p. 11 p. : boxes, maps, 1995.
A. Barmentloo, «And water flows : 16 years of SNV-Nepal's involvement in community water supply and sanitation programme». SNV Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 49 p.: 5 fig., ill., 1995.


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