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Found 23551 results
WHO water series. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO).
Institute for Hygiene and Public Health - Bonn, DE, IHPH, «WHOCC newsletter : water and risk». .
S. Yardley, «Why advocate for water, sanitation and hygiene?». Tearfund, Teddington, UK, p. 16 p.; ill.; 10 refs.
Wiley series in water resources engineering. .
Wiley series on marketing management. .
Wiley series on public administration in developing countries. .
Wiley/Hamilton series in marketing. .
Wiley-interscience publication. .
U. Think Tank 14, «Willingness to charge for water and sanitation services : outcomes from three workshops : fourteenth meeting of the Urban Think Tank, Sep. 19, Oct. 1 and Nov. 14-15, 2002 Hyderabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, India». Water and Sanitation Program - South Asia, New Delhi, India, p. 7 p. : 5 boxes, photogr.
«Wind engineering». .
E. W. Golding, «Windmills for water lifting and the generation of electricity on the farm», vol. no. 17. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy, p. ii, 60 p. + 6 p. annexes.
«WIN-SA lessons series». Water Information Network - South Africa - (WIN-SA), Pretoria, South Africa.
WMO. .
Women and development working paper. .
Women and world development series. .
International Women's Tribune Centre -New York, NY, US, IWTC, «Women's globalnet». International Women's Tribune Centre (IWTC), New York, NY, USA.
«Women's participation in development : didactic bulletin / PRIA». .
Women's problems concerning water supply and sanitation : intentions on resolving an old problem. .
Z. A. Umgeni Wat Pietermaritzburg, «The wonder of water». Umgeni Water, External Education Services, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, p. Video (17 min.): VHS.
Working document / CORETECH. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CORETECH.
Working paper / Academy for Educational Development. Washington, DC, USA: Academy for Educational Development.
«Working paper / Andrew Young School of Policy Studies». .
Working paper / Crisis States Programme. London, UK: London School of Economics and Political Science, Development Studies Institute.
«Working paper / FAO Water». .
Working paper / HTN. .


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