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T. Issayas, Evaluation of rural water supply projects with reference to the organizational aspects in Ethiopia, vol. no. 35. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Water and Environmental Engineeri, 1988, p. i, 86 p.: fig., tab.
K. Forss, Carlsen, J., Froyland, E., Sitari, T., y Vilby, K., «Evaluation of the effectiveness of technical assistance personnel financed by the Nordic Countries». DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. vii, 164 p., 1988.
A. Mooijman, M. Lohman, deSavornin, y Franklyn, N., «Evaluation on the Sarvodaya SL-5 handpump : Matara and Galle district». Sarvodaya Rural Technical Services, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, p. 25 p.: fig., 1988.
K. K. Wachiira, «An evaluative socio-economic study of the LBDA/RDWSSP : final report». Lake Basin Development Authority, Kisumu, Kenya, p. 73 p.: Fig., 1988.
H. Mjengera, Excess fluoride in potable water in Tanzania and the defluoridation technology with emphasis on the use of polyaluminium chloride and magnesite, vol. no. 38. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Water and Environmental Engineeri, 1988, p. 83 p.: fig., tab.
S. Phanapavudhikul, «Experience with the upflow-anaerobic sludge blannket process applied to distillery wastes», in Seminar on anaerobic waste treatment and sanitation technologies, Bangkok, Pattaya, 1-3 September 1988, 1988, p. 18 p.: fig., tab.
E. V. Vazquez, «Experiencia de compost urbano en Cuenca : Ecuador», in Saneamiento alternativo o alternativas al saneamiento : actas del 1er seminario latinoamericano sobre saneamiento alternativo, Medellin, Colombia, Julio 24-29 de 1987, 1988, pp. P. 311-324.
J. P. U. N. C. R. D. - Nagoya, «Expert group meeting on shelter and services for the poor in metropolitan regions : report of the UNCRD international meeting held at Nagoya, Japan, 12-16 january 1987», vol. nr 22. United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Nagoya, Japan, p. 106 p., 1988.
D. B. Edwards y Pettit, J. J., «Facilitator guide for conducting a project start-up workshop», vol. no. 41. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ii, 67 p., 1988.
P. Heyns, «Factors affecting the cost of small water supply schemes in Namibia», Water supply : the review journal of the International Water Supply Association, pp. p. S10.13-S10.16: fig., tab., 1988.
A. Heinanen, Chandiwana, S. K., Makura, O., Chimbari, M., y Bradley, M., «Faecal contamination of rural drinking water in a commercial farming area in Zimbabwe», Central African journal of medicine, pp. p. 253-259: tab., 1988.
S. Kampempool y Khomnamool, N., «Feasibility study of sewerage and treatment systems for Chonburi regional city», in Seminar on anaerobic waste treatment and sanitation technologies, Bangkok, Pattaya, 1-3 September 1988, 1988, p. 23 p.: fig., tab.
D. M. Varisco y Warner, D. B., «Feasibilty of handpump installation and manufacture in the Yemen Arab Republic», vol. no. 224. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ix, 81 p.: fig., tab., photogr., 1988.
R. Janssen, «Femmes, hommes et la gestion de l'eau potable : une recherche sur le fonctionnement des comites de pompe au Burkina Faso». Agricultural University Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands, p. 19 p.: Fig., 1988.
R. Brassington, Field hydrogeology. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press, 1988, p. xiii, 175 p.: fig., tab.
J. E. Paul, «A field test report of implementation planning and a cost-benefit model for guinea worm eradication in Pakistan», vol. no. 231. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. vii, 51 p.: tab., fig., 1988.
Y. Abdurehman, Field testing of the performance of multi-stage swirl separator, vol. no. 32. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, 1988, p. 84 p.: fig.
A. G. Lu, Valencia, L. B., L. Llagas, delas, Aballa, L., y Postrado, L., «Filariasis : a study of knowledge, attitudes and practices of the people of Sorsogon : final report of a project supported by the TDR Social and Economic Research Component», vol. no. 1. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. viii, 61 p.: map, 1988.
P. Roark, Aubel, J., Hodin, K., Kankarti-Sant'Anna, O., y Marfa, A., «Final evaluation of the USAID/Togo Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project», vol. no. 228. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xii, 95 p.: fig., photogr., tab., 1988.
O. R. Larrea, Schneider, R. M., Duncan, R., y Silva, H., «Final evaluation of USAID/Catholic Relief Services and Sanitation Program in Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras and the Dominican Republic», vol. no. 201. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 420 p.: fig., maps, photogr., tab., 1988.
C. A. Sudjarwo, «Final report on the introduction of pvc handpump in Indonesia and the involvement of women in handpump technology». Yayasan Dian Desa, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, p. ca. 85 p. : tab., drwng., photogr., 1988.
M. Lindfield, «Financial and economic issues in the provision of solid and liquid waste disposal», in Seminar on anaerobic waste treatment and sanitation technologies, Bangkok, Pattaya, 1-3 September 1988, 1988, p. 8 p.
P. Aartsen, «Financiele planning van de drinkwatervoorziening in de ontwikkelingslanden». Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. 50 p.: fig., 1988.
K. E. I. N. F. O. T. E. R. R. A. Nairobi, Fire, wood, water : reaping the benefits, vol. no. 1. Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme, 1988, p. x, 119 p.: fig., tab.
S. P. Unvala, «Five minutes to midnight», in Water supply in fast growing cities : Amsterdam, 19-21 September [1988], 1988, p. 30 p.: map.


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