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Found 23565 results
N. L. D. H. V. - Amersfoort, Kisumu, K. E. Lake Basin, y DGIS, D. General fo, «Rural domestic water resources assessment : Kisumu district». DHV, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, p. iv, 66, 273 p.: fig., tab., photogr., 1988.
N. L. D. H. V. - Amersfoort, Kisumu, K. E. Lake Basin, y DGIS, D. General fo, «Rural domestic water resources assessment : Siaya district». DHV, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, p. 63, 288 p.: fig., tab., photogr., 1988.
G. A. Bridger, Rural water supply, vol. no. D1. Ratmalana, Sri Lanka: National Water Supply and Drainage Board, 1988, p. 72 p.: fig.
«Rural water supply and sanitation in irrigated zones of Mali». p. Slide series (34 slides + text, 5p.), 1988.
«Rural water supply and sanitation : participants manual». S.n., S.l., p. ii, 81 p., 1988.
P. A. Mullen, «Rural water supply and the use of slow sand filters in Peru». University of Notre Dame, Departement of Civil Engineering, Notre Dame, IN, USA, p. VIII, 35 p., + ann: fig., tab., 1988.
E. R. Nichol, «Rural water supply : W Timor, Indonesia», in The proceedings of the 14th WEDC Conference : water and urban services in Asia and the Pacific : Kuala Lumpur, 11-15 April 1988, 1988, pp. p. 11-14: fig., tab.
M. Yacoob, «Rusafiya Project : an interim report on a socioeconomic survey in Plateau State». Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, p. ii, 65 p.: map., 1988.
R. Rego, «Saneamiento alternativo en Olinda : Brasil», in Saneamiento alternativo o alternativas al saneamiento : actas del 1er seminario latinoamericano sobre saneamiento alternativo, Medellin, Colombia, Julio 24-29 de 1987, 1988, pp. P. 155-178 : fig., map.
J. Guibbert, «Saneamiento alternativo o alternativas al saneamiento : actas del 1er seminario latinoamericano sobre saneamiento alternativo, Medellin, Colombia, Julio 24-29 de 1987», vol. no. 52 , 53 , 54. ENDA America Latina, Bogota, Colombia, p. 538 p. : fig., tab., 1988.
C. Barrientos, «Saneamiento alternativo por autogestion comunitaria : Guatemala», in Saneamiento alternativo o alternativas al saneamiento : actas del 1er seminario latinoamericano sobre saneamiento alternativo, Medellin, Colombia, Julio 24-29 de 1987, 1988, pp. P. 389-406 : fig.
B. M. Gomez, «Saneamiento ambiental : una experiencia comunitaria en Bogota : Colombia», in Saneamiento alternativo o alternativas al saneamiento : actas del 1er seminario latinoamericano sobre saneamiento alternativo, Medellin, Colombia, Julio 24-29 de 1987, 1988, pp. P. 511-518.
P. J. G., «Saneamiento basico rural en Uraba», Revista Ainsa, pp. p. 55-72: fig., 1988.
M. E. Easson, Diep, T. M., Hargrave, G. A., y Dean, M., Sanitation technologies for temperate and cold climates, vol. no. 25. Bangkok, Thailand: Environmental Sanitation Information Center, ENSIC, 1988, p. iv, 81 p.: fig., tab.
B. N. Lohani, Baldisimo, J. M., y Evans, W., Scavenging of municipal solid waste in Bangkok, Jakarta and Manila, vol. no. 26. Bangkok, Thailand: Environmental Sanitation Information Center, ENSIC, 1988, p. ii, 109 p.: fig., tab., photogr.
D. Yohalem y Yacoob, M., «Second regional conference on guinea worm in Africa : Accra, Ghana, March 14-18, 1988», vol. No. 240. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. iii, 76 p.: tab., 1988.
P. Roark y Preble, R. E., «The selection of drilling rigs for rural water supply», vol. NO. 42. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. VII, 131 p.: fig., tab., 1988.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, UNDP -New York, NY, US, BW, B. -, y UNICEF -New York, NY, US, «Self help environmental sanitation project : end of project evaluation report». UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 69 p., 1988.
T. H. Asian Inst Bangkok, «Seminar on anaerobic waste treatment and sanitation technologies, Bangkok, Pattaya, 1-3 September 1988». Asian Institute of Technology, Environmental Engineering Division, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 1 vol. (various pagings): fig., tab., 1988.
I. Rajiv Gand IN, «Seminar on water harvesting systems and their management, Bangalore, 22-24 December 1988». Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, New Delhi, India, p. 2 vol. (145, 107 p.): fig., photogr., tab., 1988.
Z. A. -.Division o Pretoria y IWSA -London, GB, International Water Association, «Seminar on water supply and sanitation, KwaZulu : Elangeni Hotel, Durban, 28-30 June, 1988 : papers». Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Pretoria, South Africa, p. ca. 300 p.: fig., tab., 1988.
G. A. Piggott, «Sewering two Asian cities», in The proceedings of the 14th WEDC Conference : water and urban services in Asia and the Pacific : Kuala Lumpur, 11-15 April 1988, 1988, pp. p. 73-76: fig.
A. R. D. Thorley y Wood, D. J., «SIMNET : microcomputer modelling of irrigation, water supply and water distribution systems», presented at the 1988-01-01, 1988, pp. p. 3-20: fig., tab.
B. B. Sundaresan, Huisman, L., Hofkes, E. H., Netto, J. Mde Azevedo, y Lanoix, J. N., Sistema de abastecimiento de agua para pequenas comunidades : tecnologia de pequenos sistemas de abastecimiento de agua en paises en desarrollo, Enlarged ed., vol. no. 18. Lima, Peru: CEPIS (Centro Panamericano de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente), 1988, p. vii, 384 p.: fig., tab.
C. O. Empresas P. Medellin, Sistemas elementales para el manejo de aguas residuales sector rural y semi-rural, vol. vol. 10, no. 2. Medellin, Colombia: Empresas Publicas de Medellin, 1988, p. 167 p.: fig., tab.


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