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D. K. Carl Bro I. Copenhagen y Copenhagen, D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. -, «Technical report on mission to assess iron removal technology in DANIDA sponsored rural water supply projects in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Orissa, India». Carl Bro International, Glostrup, Denmark, p. 152 p.: fig., 1986.
F. R. Fondation Limoges, «Techniques et methodes de recherche et detection des fuites dans les reseaux d'adduction d'eau», vol. no. 2. SEDA, Limoges, France, p. 36 p.: ill., 1986.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, «Tesauro trilingue del CNUAH (Habitat) sobre asentamientos humanos». UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya, p. vii, 132 p., 1986.
G. B. Consumers' Harpenden, «Test procedures for testing and development of handpumps». Consumers' Association Harpenden Rise Laboratory, Harpenden, UK, p. 13 p.: fig., 1986.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, «Thesaurus trilingue du CNUEH (Habitat) sur le theme des etablissements humains». UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya, p. vii, 125 p., 1986.
L. K. National W. Ratmalana, «[.. title in Sinhalese ..] [Evaluating rainfall catchments]». National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, p. 13 p.: fig., 1986.
Water, Engineering and Development Centre -Loughborough, GB, WEDC y IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, [.. title in Sinhalese ..] [Practical solutions in drinking water supply and wastes disposal for developing countries], 2nd rev.ed.ª ed., vol. no. 20. Ratmalana, Sri Lanka: National Water Supply and Drainage Board, 1986, p. 162 p.: fig.
S. Kumarasiri, [.. title in Sinhalese ..] [Safe water and community development]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: NGO Water Supply and Sanitation Decade Service, 1986, p. 80 p.: fig., ill.
L. K. National W. Ratmalana, «[.. title in Sinhalese ..] [Taking a water sample]». National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, p. 14 p.: fig., 1986.
A. A. Titus, «Training in operations and maintenance for pumps in rural water systems in Bolivia, July 14 - August 1, 1986», vol. no. 195. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. iv, 43 p.: fig., tab., 1986.
C. Liebler, «Training of trainers in Malawi's health education and sanitation promotion (HESP) program (phase two)», vol. no. 185. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 75 p., 1986.
P. A. Gaye y Tesi, D. J., «Training of trainers' workshop for launching an oral rehydration therapy campaign in Togo. Vol. I : summary of three training workshops», vol. no. 168. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Washington, DC, USA, p. iii, 92 p., 1986.
C. R. Johnson, «Training program in village water supply planning, management, design, construction, and maintenance in Nepal : May 25 to June 13, 1986», vol. no. 190. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xi,75 p.: fig., tab., 1986.
J. Muehlbauer y Etienne, G., «Training system for technical personnel of water supply and sanitation institutions in Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic : mid term evaluation, August 1986». Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, DC, USA, p. 12 p. 23 p. ann.: tab., 1986.
S. E. Wilson y Allison, E. J., «Training trainers in developing countries : health education and mass media aspects of low cost sanitation», Journal of environmental health, pp. p. 311-314, 1986.
S. Fleming, «Training women to build ferrocement water tanks and latrines», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 20-21: 3 photogr., 1986.
D. B. Edwards, «Training workshop in operations and maintenance for rural potable water systems in Bolivia», vol. no. 194. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. iii, 31 p.: tab., 1986.
O. Larrea, «Training workshop on rainwater roof catchment, San Julian, Bolivia», vol. no. 163. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. vii, 55 p., 1986.
WHO. Regional Office for Europe -Copenhagen, DK, EURO, «Treatment and discharge of industrial wastewater in the Mediterranean area : report on a WHO workshop, Venice, 10-14 June, 1985», vol. 8. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. vii, 89 p.: fig., tab., 1986.
B. F. C. I. E. H. - Ouagadougou, «Treizieme conseil des ministres». Comite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEH), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 2 vol. (various pagings), 1986.
S. Arlosoroff, «UNDP/World Bank activities on low-cost water supply and sanitation management». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 13 p., 1986.
E. B. Blanc, «Une pompe a main au service des pays en voie de developpement», Eau, industrie, nuisances, pp. p. 86-88, 1986.
U. G. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Kampala y UG, U. Ministry o, «UNEPI/CDD handbook : a manual for health and community workers in Uganda». Uganda, Ministry of Health, Entebbe, Uganda, p. iv, 135 p.: fig., 1986.
F. R. U. N. E. S. C. O. - Paris, «UNESCO sponsored international post-graduate courses in hydrology». UNESCO, Paris, France, p. 75 p., 1986.
K. E. U. N. I. C. E. F. Reg Nairobi, «UNICEF interregional water and sanitation workshop report». UNICEF, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 100 p., 1986.


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