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Found 23550 results
«CGRIS Working Paper Series». Center for Global, International and Regional Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
H. Gidey, «Challenges for the growth of Asmara city from water perspective». S.n., Asmara, Eritrea, p. 8 p. : tab.
D. A. Still, Salisbury, R. H., Foxon, K. M., Buckley, C. A., y Bhagwan, J. N., «The challenges of dealing with full VIP latrines». S.n., S.l., p. 12 p.; 7 fig.; 2 tab.
H. Nauheimer, The change management toolbook : a collection of tools, methods and strategies. S.l.: S.n., p. 307 p.; 89 fig.
I. Eguavoen, «Changing household water rights in rural Northern Ghana», pp. 4 p. (p. 126-129).
«Chemosphere». .
I. N. C. H. E. T. N. A. - Ahmedabad, «CHETNA news». Centre for Health Education, Training and Nutrition Awareness (CHETNA), Ahmedabad, India.
«Child: care, health and development». .
«Child, family, community digests». .
G. B. A. H. R. T. A. G. - London, «Child health dialogue». Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group (AHRTAG), London, UK.
J. Fisher, The child health millennium development goal : what water, sanitation and hygiene can do, vol. no. 3. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, p. 4 p. : photogr.
BASICS -Arlington, VA, US, «Child survival BASICS». Basic Support for Institutionalizing Child Survival (BASICS), Arlington, VA, USA.
Academy for Educational Development -Washington, DC, US y USAID -Washington, DC, US, «Child survival in sub-Saharan Africa : taking stock ». Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC, USA, p. ix, 125 p. + 141 p. annexes : 16 fig., 32 tab.
Children, environment and sustainable development : primary environmental care (pec) discussion papers. .
P. Otieno y Mehta, A., «Children in follow up : triggering itself is not sufficient : experiences from different countries ». S.n., S.l., p. 16 p.; ill.; 2 photographs.
G. B. Child-to- C. London y Ahmedabad, I. N. C. H. E. T. N. A. -, «Child-to-child newsletter». Child-to-Child Trust, London, UK.
Child-to-child readers. .
Swiss Chemical Society -Bern, CH, SCG, «Chimia». .
C. N. China Envi Beijing, «China environment news». China Environment News, Beijing, China.
«china yangtze river». .
«china yellow river». .
A. Shultz, Omollo, J. O., Burke, H., Qassim, M., Ochieng, J. B., Weinberg, M., Feikin, D. R., y Breiman, R. F., «Cholera outbreak in Kenyan refugee camp : risk factors for illness and importance of sanitation», American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, pp. P. 640-645; 4 tab.; 2 fig.
Hesperian Foundation -Berkeley, CA, US, «Cholera prevention factsheet». Hesperian Foundation, Berkeley, CA, USA, p. 4 p. : ill.
CIDA development issues papers. .
CIEL and WWF international discussion paper. Gland, Switzerland: WWF International.


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