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IETC urban environment series. Osaka, Japan: UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre.
UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre -Osaka/Shiga, JP, IETC, «IETC's insight». UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre, Osaka, Japan.
IFIC publication. .
IFIC Publications. .
«IFLA journal». .
WSSCC -Geneva, CH, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, «Iguacu Action Programme : water, sanitation and hygiene for all». Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 8. p. : photogr.
IH report ODA. Wallingford, UK: Institute of Hydrology.
IHE monograph. .
«IHE report series». .
«IHP Humid tropics programme series». .
«IHP [International Hydrological Programme] essays on water history ». .
«IHP technical documents in hydrology». .
F. R. U. N. E. S. C. O. - Paris, «IHP waterway : newsletter of UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme». UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO-IHP, Paris, France.
IHS -Rotterdam, NL, Institute for Housing Studies, «IHS news». Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
«IHS working papers». .
A. T. Internatio Laxenburg, «IIASA options». International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.
IIMI Country Paper, Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute.
IIMI publication. .
«IIS/G1. Kongevej Working Paper». Institute for International Studies (IIS), Copenhagen, Denmark.
N. L. N. U. F. F. I. C. - Th Hague, «IK world wide». NUFFIC, The Hague, The Netherlands.
I. T. Institutio Rome, «ILAC brief». Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) Initiative, Rome, Italy.
«ILAC news». .
«ILCA newsletter». .
ILCA research report. .
ILRI publication. .


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