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Found 23538 results
S. J. Arceivala, «Rural sanitation : research at Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, India». .
«Rural sociology». .
«Rural technology journal». .
D. Rimmer, Rural transformation in tropical Africa. London, UK: Belhaven Press.
Rural Village Water Resource Management Project -Dhangadhi, NP, RVWRMP, «Rural village water resource management project : environmental sanitation working guideline : working draft 2008». Rural Village Water Resource Management Project, RVWRMP, S.l., p. 23 p.; 3 tab.
U. Directorat UG, «Rural water and sanitation implementation strategy and investment plan». Uganda, Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment, Kampala, Uganda, p. i, 20 p. : 1 box, 5 tab.
I. N. I. T. N. Centre Calcutta, «Rural water and waste management news : a newsletter of ITN Centre [India]». ITN Centre, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta, India.
C. I. African De Abidjan, «Rural water supply and sanitation initiative : framework for implementation : a regional response to Africa's rural drinking water and sanitation crises». African Development Bank, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, p. viii, 48 p. + 3 p. annexes : fig., tab.
«Rural water supply and sanitation national policy 2004 & rural water supply and sanitation national strategy 2004». .
CERWASS -Ha Noi, VN, Centre for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation, «Rural water supply and sanitation [title in Vietnamese..]». Centre for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation (CERWASS), Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Hanoi, Viet Nam.
J. E. M. Smet, Kanshahu, A. I., Madundo, I., y Shaaban, K., «Rural water supply companies and their supporting federation in Morogoro region, Tanzania : management of rural piped water systems and services in the Tanzanian decentralisation context», p. 19 p.
Rural water supply handpumps project. Applied research and technology WUDAT note. .
R. Saraswathy y Shiva, R., «Rural water supply in Kathirampatti Village Panchayat, Tamil Nadu ». IRC.
«Rural water supply reports. Kerala». ETC, Leusden, The Netherlands.
«Rural water supply series : field note». .
«RWSGEAP notes». .
«R.W.S.S.P.». p. video ( min.): VHS.
Water Research Commission -Pretoria, ZA, WRC, «SA waterbulletin». Water Research Commission, WRC, Pretoria, South Africa.
C. J. Schuster-Wallace, Grover, V. I., Adeel, Z., Confalonieri, U., Elliott, S., y United Nations University, International Network on Water, Environment and Health -Hamilton, Ont., CA, UNU-INWEH, Safe water as the key to global health. p. 28 p.
«Safe water managed by people». Sri Lanka, Ministry of Local Government, Housing & Construction, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p. video (27 min.): VHS.
«Salud publica de Mexico». .
«The sand dams of Kitui : "where there is no water"». .
«Sand dams water : a new life». .
«SANDEC news». Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries (SANDEC), Duebendorf, Switzerland.
«SANDEC report». .


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