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Found 23550 results
J. Edmond, «ABCG Freshwater Conservation and WASH Advocacy Strategy Facilitator’s Guide Launch Presentation». IRC and ABCG, Washington, USA, 2020.
K. Pugel, Javernick-Will, A., Koschmann, M., Peabody, S., y Linden, K., «Adapting collaborative approaches for service provision to low-income countries : expert panel results», vol. 12, n.º 7, pp. 1-26 : 6 fig., 2 tab., 2020.
Simavi, WASH Alliance International, IRC, y WaterAid, «Advocacy strategy for Watershed – Empowering Citizens Programme and WAI WASH SDG Programme in Bangladesh : final». IRC / Watershed, Simavi / WASH Alliance International, WaterAid Bangladesh, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 42 p., 2020.
E. Bakker y Smits, S., «Application of the district-wide approach in 5 pilot districts of Rwanda : lessons learned». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 10 p. : 1 fig., 2 tab., 2020.
V. D. Mvongo y Defo, C., «Assessing water service performances in rural sub-Saharan Africa environment : the cases studies of two councils of the southern and eastern regions of the Republic of Cameroon (Central Africa)», n.º washdev2020164, pp. 1-14 : 4 fig., 6 tab., 2020.
G. Gutema y Osterwalder, L., «An assessment of sanitation financing options for enterprises and households». USAID Transform WASH and IRC WASH, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 15 p. : 2 boxes, 2 fig., 2020.
P. Magara, «Assessment of the process of developing the Kabarole WASH district master plan 2018-2030». IRC Uganda, Kampala, Uganda, p. 19 p. : 1 fig., 2 tab., 2020.
R. Shiva, «Building resilient WASH systems», vol. 2, n.º 5, pp. 128-131 : photogr., 2020.
IRC Burkina Faso, van der Grift, V., y Bori, S., «Burkina Faso : a water sanitation and hygiene information sheet». IRC Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 8 p. : 8 fig., 1 tab., 2020.
J. A. Khan, «Central and State Finance Commission grants to Panchaya Raj Institutions (PRIs) : implications for financing of rural WATSAN». Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), IRC and WaterAid India, New Delhi, India, p. 22 p. : 4 boxes, 2 fig., 8 tab., 2020.
C. Fonseca, Muturi, M., y Karanja, M., «Changes in the civic space for water, sanitation and sexual health rights in Kajiado County, Kenya». IRC and Watershed partners, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 10 p : 3 fig., 5 photos, 2020.
A. Schrecongost, Pedi, D., Rosenboom, J. W., Shrestha, R., y Ban, R., «Citywide inclusive sanitation : a public service approach for reaching the urban sanitation SDGs», vol. 8, n.º 19, pp. 1-8: 3 fig., 2020.
M. Gambrill, Gilsdorf, R. J., y Kotwal, N., «Citywide inclusive sanitation - business as unusual : shifting the paradigm by shifting minds», vol. 7, n.º 201, pp. 1-10 : 2 boxes, 2020.
C. Fonseca, Hasan, Z., Agarwala, T., Malik, S., y Baraza, J. A., «Civil society influence in drinking water, sanitation and water resources budgets : four pathways for change». IRC / Watershed, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 12 p. : 3 fig., 2020.
Dministry o MFA) y Consortium, W., «Collaborative efforts for successful water management in Uganda». Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), p. 2, 2020.
D. J. MacAllister, MacDonald, A. M., Kebede, S., Godfrey, S., y Calow, R., «Comparative performance of rural water supplies during drought», vol. 11, n.º 1, pp. 1-13 : 7 fig. 1 tab., 2020.
Rof Rwanda Infrastructure, «Concept note for WASH MIS data collection in Gibumbi district». Ministry of Infrastructure, Republic of Rwanda, Kigali, p. 11, 2020.
S. Smits y Fonseca, C., Costing and financing of small-scale water supply and sanitation services. Copenhagen, Denmark: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2020, p. x, 39 p. : 8 boxes, 4 fig., 2 tab.
J. A. Atengdem, Adank, M., Nyarko, K. B., Dwumfour-Asare, B., y Agbemor, B., «Costing and financing sustainable WASH services in Asutifi North District». IRC Ghana, Accra, Ghana, p. 27 p. : 13 fig., 11 tab., 2020.
Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability, «Decentralised public financing for WASH : current situation and needs during and beyond the pandemic : webinar report». Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), IRC and WaterAid India, New Delhi, India, p. 5 p., 2020.
University of Colorado Boulder. Environmental Incentives, «Defining collective action approaches in WASH». USAID Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership, Washington, DC, USA, p. 4 p. : 1 tab., 2020.
S. Smits, Verhoeven, J., Bakker, E., Kamuyumbu, P., Uwonkunda, B., Burn, N., Kwizera, M., y Greggio, E., «The District-Wide Approach : progress review from its application in five districts in Rwanda». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 28 p. : 5 fig. 4 tab., 2020.
G. Howard, Bartram, J., Williams, A., Overbo, A., Fuenta, D., y Geere, J., Domestic water quantity, service level and health, 2nd ed.ª ed. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 2020, p. xi, 60 p. : 2 fig., 12 tab.
IRC y UNICEF India, «Drink from Tap Mission : communication strategy». Department of Housing & Urban Development, State Government of Odisha, Bhubaneswar, India, p. 26 p. : 3 charts, 2 fig., 1 tab., 2020.
J. Davis, Cardone, R., Horton, M., Piu, C., y Winter, J., «Effective targeting of water supply subsidies», vol. 1. Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford, CA, USA, p. 6 p. : 2 fig., photogr., 2020.


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