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UN Economic Commission for Lation America and the Caribbean -Santiago, CL, ECLAC / CEPAL, «The administration of water resources in Latin America and the Caribbean». United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Santiago, Chile, p. 139 p.: 40 tab., 1991.
T. H. Mather, «Agricultural water use : assessment of progress in the implementation of the Mar del Plata Action Plan : report of the regional assessment missions». Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy, p. 74 p.: tab., map, 1991.
S. L. Pineda Castro, «Analisis comparativo de normas medioambientales en materia de proteccion y control de calidad de las aguas, de la republica Dominicana, Colombia, la Comunidad Europea y el estado Espanol : nombre del proyecto». S.n., S.l., p. 22 p., 1991.
R. W. Robbins, Glicker, J. L., Bloem, D. M., y Niss, B. M., «Effective watershed management for surface water supplies», Journal American Water Works Association, pp. p. 34-44: 5 fig., 7 tab., photogr., 1991.
M. J. R., «El codigo de aguas de la Republica de Chile, en el marco de uno economia social de mercado», in International Seminar on Efficient Water Use : proceedings = Seminario Internacional sobre el Uso Eficiente del Agua : ponencias, 1991, pp. P. 511-519.
D. Erocal, «Environmental management in developing countries». OECD, Paris, France, p. 417 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
UNDTCD -New York, NY, US, Ground water in Western and Central Europe, vol. no. 27. New York, NY, USA: United Nations, 1991, p. xxvi, 363 p.: 71 fig., 62 tab.
T. Z. H. E. S. A. W. A. - Mwanza, «HESAWA and gender awareness : participants manual». Health through Sanitation and Water (HESAWA), Mwanza, Tanzania, p. 33 p.: ill., fig., 1991.
Netherlands. Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment -NL, VROM, Individuele behandeling van afvalwater bij verspreide bebouwing (IBA) : onderzoek fase 4B : IBA richtlijn, vol. no. 1991/7. The Hague, The Netherlands: Netherlands, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, 1991, p. 186 p. : fig., tab.
J. Hukka y Viitasaari, M., «Industrial wastewaters '89 Nairobi : proceedings of the first IAWPRC East African regional conference on industrial wastewaters, held in Nairobi, Kenya, 25-28 October 1989». Pergamon, Oxford, UK, p. xiv, 106 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
G. Tamm y Garabedian, S., «Institutional framework of small community water supply systems in the United States : a review of experience and lessons for developing countries», vol. no. 7. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. ix, 55 p.: tab., 1991.
M. X. Comision N. City, Jiutepec, M. X. Instituto, y IWRA -Urbana, IL, US, «International Seminar on Efficient Water Use : proceedings». Comision Nacional del Agua, Mexico City, Mexico, p. 938 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
F. R. Compagnie Paris, L'eau et les collectivites locales. Paris, France: Moniteur, 1991, p. 332 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
UNDTCD -New York, NY, US, «Legislative and economic approaches to water demand management». United Nations DTCD,Water Resources Branch, New York, NY, USA, p. vi, 58 p.: 1 tab., 1991.
F. R. France. Mi Paris y Toulouse, F. R. Agence de, Les elus locaux et l'assainissement, vol. no. 1. Paris, France: France, Ministere de l'Environnement, 1991, p. 48 p.: fig., photogr., tab.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, «Management of water resources for urban use : report of an expert group meeting : Washington DC, 22-24 April 1991». UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 15 p.: 1 box, 2 tab., 1991.
S. Burchi, «The need for effective legal and regulatory frameworks». Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy, p. 6, [4] p., 1991.
N. G. N. E. S. T. - Ibadan, Nigeria's threatened environment : a national profile. Ibadan, Nigeria: Nigerian Environmental Study / Action Team, 1991, p. vi, 288 p.: fig., photogr., tab.
F. W. Pontius, «Phase II organic and inorganic contaminant regulations», Journal American Water Works Association, pp. p. 20-22, 77-79: 8 tab., 1991.
D. M. Nielsen, Practical handbook of ground-water monitoring. Chelsea, MI, USA: Lewis, 1991, p. x, 717 p.: fig., tab.
WASH -Arlington, VA, US, «Private sector participation in urban water supplies issues for investment in Indonesia : working paper B : a review of Indonesian laws and regulations concerning private sector participation in urban water services», vol. no. 330. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), p. vii, 94 p., 1991.
P. C. Tyagi, Ranganathan, K. R., Chakrabarti, S. P., y Basu, D. D., «Protection of water resources : Indian experience», Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, pp. p. 357-370: 9 fig., 4 tab., 1991.
K. E. U. N. E. P. - Nairobi, «Report on the environmental situation in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories : report of the executive director», presented at the 1991-01-01, Nairobi, Kenya, 1991, p. 24 p.: tab.
O. B. Kaplan, Septic systems handbook, 2nd ed.ª ed. Chelsea, MI, USA: Lewis, 1991, p. xx, 434 p.: 56 fig., 28 tab.
F. R. U. N. E. P. Indus Paris, Tanneries and the environment : a technical guide to reducing the environmental impact of tannery operations, vol. no. 4. Paris, France: UNEP Industry and Environment Programme Activity Centre, 1991, p. 119 p.: fig., tab.


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