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H. Pietila, «Engendering the global agenda : the story of women and the United Nations», vol. vol. 10. United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service, Geneva, Switzerland, p. vi, 124 p., 2002.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL y National Community Water and Sanitation Training Institute -Sovenga, ZA, NCWSTI, «[Gemsa training of intermediaries]». National Community Water and Sanitation Training Institute (NCWSTI), Sovenga, South Africa, p. ca. 160 p. [loose leaf doc.], 2002.
S. Tanaka, «Gender checklist : water supply and sanitation». Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. 26 p. : 4 boxes, 2 tab., 2002.
F. Sultana y Crow, B., «Gender, class, and access to water : three cases in a poor and crowded delta», Society and natural resources, 2002.
D. Magoro, Mokoena, M., y Borba, M. L., «Gender mainstreaming in South Africa : training package for GEMSA intermediaries». National Community Water and Sanitation Training Institute (NCWSTI), Pietersburg, South Africa, p. 261 p., 2002.
H. Derbyshire, Gender manual : a practical guide for development policy makers and practitioners. London, UK: United Kingdom, Department for International Development, 2002, p. 42 p.
B. van Koppen, Gender performance indicator for irrigation : concepts, tools and applications, vol. no. 59. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2002, p. vi, 42 p. : fig., tabs.
M. A. Moreira, «Gender responsiveness in participatory urban environmental planning : exploratory study of municipal participatory planning experiences in Bolivia and Brazil». p. 110 p. : graphs, tabs., 2002.
P. K. Raasta Dev Karachi, «Gender situation analysis in Tharparkar». Thardeep Rural Development Programme, Mithi, Pakistan, p. 116 p. : fig., map, tab., 2002.
P. E. Water and Lima, «Genero en el sector agua y saneamiento de la Region Andina : hallazgos, recommendaciones y propuesta estrategica». Water and Sanitation Program - Andean Region, Lima, Peru, p. 61 p. : photogr., 9 tab, 2002.
A. Williams, «Incorporating a gender perspective in rural water and sanitation projects : experience of MUDE (Women in Development, Dominican Republic)». Mujeres en Desarrollo Dominicana (MUDE), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, p. 8 p., 2002.
B. Fawcett y Marshall, T. J., «An investigation of gender mainstreaming and appropriate latrine technology : an internship report». University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, p. xi, 67 p., 2002.
C. van der Voorden y Eales, K., «Mainstreaming gender in South African sanitation programmes: a blind spot or common practice? : paper prepared for the AfricaSan Conference: July 2002». Mvula Trust, Braamfontein, South Africa, p. 5 p., 2002.
CERWASS -Ha Noi, VN, Centre for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation, «Men and women in rural water supply and sanitation in Viet Nam». Centre for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation (CERWASS), Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Hanoi, Viet Nam, p. 11 p., 2002.
S. Cummings, van Dam, H., y Valk, M., Natural resources management and gender : a global source book, vol. no. 6. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Royal Tropical Institute, 2002, p. 136 p.
S. Daley-Harris, Pathways out of poverty : innovations in microfinance for the poorest families. Connecticut, CT, USA: Kumarian Press, 2002, p. xviii, 329 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
C. A. van Wijk-Sijbesma, Nanavaty, R., James, A. J., Verhagen, J., Parikh, M., y Bhatt, M., «Transforming time into money using water : a participatory study of economics and gender in rural India», Natural resources forum, pp. p. 205-217 : 4 boxes, 4 fig., 6 tab., 2002.
I. N. Utthan Dev Ahmedabad, «Understanding gender equity in water resource management : an agenda for research and programmatic activities : phase two progress report : reporting period: 15th May 2001 to 14th May 2002». UTTHAN Development Action Planning Team, Ahmedabad, India, p. 25 p. + 13 p. case studies and 12 p. annexes : photogr., 2002.
D. Melo A. Branco y Almeida, V., «Women, mobilization and the revitalization of water resources : the case of northeastern Brazil». Joaquim Nabuco Foundation, Recife, Brazil, p. 7 p., 2002.


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