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United Nations -New York, NY, US, «Technical co-operation among developing countries in groundwater resources development : report of a United Nations International Colloqium convened..». United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, New York, NY, USA, p. v, 128 p., 1983.
K. A. Edwards, Classen, G. A., y Schroten, E. H. J., The water resource in tropical Africa and its exploitation, vol. no. 6. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), 1983, p. viii, 103 p.: fig., tab.
R. Wade, Employment, water control and water supply institutions : South India and South Korea, vol. no. 182. Brighton, UK: IDS Publications, 1982, p. 53 p.
Y. Travi y Le Coustour, E., «Fluorose dentaire et eaux souterraines : l'exemple du Senegal», Eau du Quebec, pp. p. 9-12, 1982.
L. Clark, «Groundwater abstraction from basement complex areas of Africa», in Papers presented at the First African Water Technology Conference : Tuesday 30th November and Wednesday 1st December 1982 : held at the Kenyatta Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, 1982, pp. P. 7-1 - 7-25.
A. B. Fall, «La politique de l'eau au Senegal», in Seminar on developing countries : papers : Thursday-Friday, 9-10 September 1982 = Seminaire sur les pays en voie de developpement : documents : Jeudi-Vendredi, 9-10 Septembre 1982, 1982, pp. P. 1-24.
E. Roe y Fortmann, L., «Season and strategy : the changing organization of the rural water sector in Botswana», vol. no. 1. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, USA, p. xv, 264 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
IWSA -London, GB, International Water Association, «Seminar on developing countries : papers : Thursday-Friday, 9-10 September 1982 = Seminaire sur les pays en voie de developpement : documents : Jeudi-Vendredi, 9-10 Septembre 1982». IWSA (International Water Services Association), London, UK, p. 213 p., 1982.
J. Waterhouse, Water engineering for agriculture. London, UK: Batsford Academic and Educational Publishers, 1982, p. 395 p.: tab., fig.
A. M. A. Salih y Khadam, M. A. A., «Water resources in Sudan». Council for Scientific and Technological Research, Khartoum, Sudan, p. xii, 233 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
I. Carruthers y Stoner, R., Economic aspects and policy issues in groundwater development, vol. no. 496. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1981, p. ii, 6, 110 p.: fig., tab.
M. J. Hammer y Kichan, K. A. Mac, Hydrology and quality of water resources. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 1981, p. ix, 486 p.: fig., tab.
T. Orum, Lindskog, P., Sawadogo, J., y Hassane, A., «Local water management in rural areas and small towns : case study : Banfora, Burkina Faso», in Copenhagen informal consultation on integrated water resources development and management, 11-14 November, 1991 : case studies : Nordic Freshwater Initiative, 1981, p. 30 p.: 5 fig., 6 tab.
M. B. Beck, «Operational water quality management : beyond planning and design : executive report 7, based on research conducted at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)». International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, p. v + 74 p. : figs, 1981.
UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific -Bangkok,TH, ESCAP y United Nations -New York, NY, US, «Proceedings of the seventh session of the Committee on Natural Resources», vol. no. 54. United Nations, New York, NY, USA, p. viii, 146 p., 1981.
Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management -London, GB, CIWEM, «Water and environment journal». Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, CIWEM, London, UK, 1981.
U. Riise y Skofteland, E., «Hydrology in developing countries : Nordic meeting, Nord-Torpa, Norway, 21-23 November 1978», vol. no. 2. Nordic Committees for the International Hydrological Programme in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 408 p. : fig., tab., 1979.
O. A. Tilrem, «Manual on procedures in operational hydrology. Volume 1. Establishment of stream gauging stations». Tanzania, Ministry of Water, Dodoma, Tanzania, p. 48 p. : 38 fig., 1979.
O. A. Tilrem, «Manual on procedures in operational hydrology. Volume 2. Operation of stream gauging stations». Tanzania, Ministry of Water, Dodoma, Tanzania, p. 76 p. : fig., tab., 1979.
O. A. Tilrem, «Manual on procedures in operational hydrology. Volume 3. Stream discharge measurements by current meter and relative salt dilution». Tanzania, Ministry of Water, Dodoma, Tanzania, p. 60 p. : fig., tab., 1979.
O. A. Tilrem, «Manual on procedures in operational hydrology. Volume 4. Stage-discharge relations at stream gauging stations». Tanzania, Ministry of Water, Dodoma, Tanzania, p. 53 p. : fig., tab., 1979.
UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific -Bangkok,TH, ESCAP, «Proceedings of the workshop on efficient use and maintenance of irrigation systems at farm level in China [24 August - 8 September 1978]», vol. no. 51. United Nations, New York, NY, USA, p. v, 108 p. : 7 fig., 17 photogr., 13 tab., 1979.


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