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Found 23564 results
V. Duti y Gaze, E., «Harmonization of rural water service delivery drivers and barriers, Ghana : presentation for Triple-S ARAP experiments symposium 6th-11th May 2013..». Community Water and Sanitation Agency, S.l., p. 6 slides, 2013.
B. Schnabel, «Health : safe supply», Development and cooperation (D+C), pp. p. 28 - 29; 1 photograph, 2013.
E. Robson, Porter, G., Hampshire, K., y Munthali, A., «Heavy loads : children's burdens of water carrying in Malawi», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 23 - 35; 4 fig.; 3 tab., 2013.
H. Zeng y Wu, J., «Heavy metal pollution of lakes along the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China : intensity, sources and spatial patterns», International journal of environmental research and public health [Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health], pp. p. 793 - 807; 7 fig.; 2 tab., 2013.
E. Uytewaal, Verhoeven, J., y C. Wells, D. Silva, «Historical background of the aid effectiveness framework», vol. 2. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 2 p., 2013.
C. O. N. A. S. A. Consejo Na Potable y Saneamiento, «Honduras : política nacional del sector agua potable y saneamiento : resumida». Consejo Nacional de Agua Potable y Saneamiento, CONASA, S.l., p. 22 p., 2013.
A. Lin, Arnold, B., Afreen, S., Goto, R., Huda, T. M. N., Haque, R., Raqib, R., Unicomb, L., Ahmed, T., Colford, J. M., y Luby, S. P., «Household environmental conditions are associated with enteropathy and impaired growth in rural Bangladesh», American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, vol. 89, n.º 3, pp. 130-137, 2013.
R. Schweitzer, Pezon, C., Pinjari, A., Fonseca, C., y Mihelcic, J. R., «Household expenditure on water services in Burkina Faso : financial and economic expenditures of rural and peri-urban households across socio-economic classes and seasons in Burkina Faso», IRC, The Hague, 2013.
S. Jones, «How can INGOs help promote sustainable rural water services? An analysis of WaterAid’s approach to supporting local governments in Mali», Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp. p. 350 - 366; 5 tab., 2013.
V. K. Baby y V. Reddy, R., «How effective are the new WASH security guidelines for India? An empirical case study of Andhra Pradesh», Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 535 - 553; 8 fig.; 2 tab., 2013.
V. K. Baby y V. Reddy, R., «How effective are the new WASH security guidelines for India? An empirical case study of Andhra Pradesh», Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 535 - 553, 2013.
E. Uytewaal, Verhoeven, J., y C. Wells, D. Silva, «How effective is aid in the WASH sector?», vol. 6. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 6 p.; ill., 2013.
D. Spears, «How much international variation in child height can sanitation explain?», vol. 6351. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 53 p.; 9 tab.; 8 fig., 2013.
J. Baker, «How to Define and Measure Value for Money in the Humanitarian Sector ?», SIDA, 2013.
S. N. V. Asia y IRC, «How to design a study on ‘cost-effectiveness of hygiene promotion’ – workshop report», IRC and SNV, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2013.
P. Magara, «HPMAS : professionalizing operation and maintenance of rural water systems : presentation for Triple-S ARAP experiments symposium 6th-11th May 2013..». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 6 slides, 2013.
W. J. Kitinya, «Hunger : no food, no health», Development and cooperation (D+C), pp. p. 146 - 147; 1 fig.; 1 photograph, 2013.
M. S. Islam, Mahmud, Z. H., P. Gope, S., R. Zaman, U., Hossain, Z., Islam, M. S., Mondal, D., Sharker, M. A. Y., Islam, K., Jahan, H., Bhuiya, A., Endtz, H. P., Cravioto, A., Curtis, V., Touré, O., y Cairncross, S., «Hygiene intervention reduces contamination of weaning food in Bangladesh», Tropical medicine and international health, pp. p. 250 - 258, 2013.
WASHCost, «Hygiene promotion: How effective is it? How much does it cost?», WASHCost global infosheets, vol. 5. IRC , The Hague, p. 8 p.; 1 tab.; photogr.; boxes, 2013.
B. Mann, Schaub-Jones, D., Jewell, H., y Dickinson, N., «ICT & WASH fall 2013 : a synthesis of conference presentations for mobile technology in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector». Tetra Tech, Pasadena, CA, USA, p. 11 p., 2013.
M. Vijayalekshmi, Surendran, S. K., y Mani, M., «Identifying appropriate sanitation for near-coastal communities in Vizhinjam (Kerala, India) adopting the sanitation-approach framework», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 58 - 73; 3 tab.; 4 fig. , 2013.
H. - J. Chu, Liu, C. - Y., y Wang, C. - K., «Identifying the relationships between water quality and land cover changes in the Tseng-Wen Reservoir Watershed of Taiwan», International journal of environmental research and public health [Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health], pp. p. 478 - 489; 6 fig.; 4 tab. , 2013.
S. Barnard, Routray, P., Majorin, F., Peletz, R., Boisson, S., Sinha, A., y Clasen, T., «Impact of Indian Total Sanitation Campaign on Latrine Coverage and Use: A Cross-Sectional Study in Orissa Three Years following Programme Implementation», 2013.
S. Smits, Rojas, J., y S. Tamayo, P., «The impact of support to community-based rural water service providers : evidence from Colombia», Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp. p. 384 - 404; 7 tab.; 5 fig., 2013.
G. Rabbani, Rahman, S. H., y Faulkner, L., «Impacts of climatic hazards on the small wetland ecosystems (ponds) : evidence from some selected areas of coastal Bangladesh», Sustainability, pp. p. 1510 - 1521; 6 fig.; 1 tab., 2013.


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