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M. A. Hefny, «Changing behavior as a policy tool for enhancing food security», Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 106 - 120; 2 fig.; 1 tab., 2012.
S. Kenward, Cordier, L., y Islam, R., «Chars Livelihoods Programme : a study to assess the performance of CLP raised plinths, low cost latrines and access to clean water during the July 2..». AusAID Australian Agency for International Development, S.l., p. 21 p.; 11 tab.; 3 photographs; 2 boxes, 2012.
N. R. Khatri y Pokhrel, S., «Children with camera: knowledge sharing for changing sanitation of society, Nepal, photo essay», presented at the 2012-01-31, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012, p. 10 p.; 16 photographs .
G. B. Oxfam - Oxford, «Cholera response in Haiti : hygiene promotion : determining what works». Oxfam America, Boston, MA, USA, p. 4 p.; 1 box; 1 fig.; 2 photographs, 2012.
P. Amerasinghe, Jampani, M., y Drechsel, P., «Cities as sources of irrigation water : an Indian scenario», vol. 53. International Water Management Institute, IMWI, india gujarat, p. 8 p.; 5 fig.; 1 tab., 2012.
C. A. Moyer, Aborigo, R. A., Logonia, G., Affah, G., Rominski, S., Adongo, P. B., Williams, J., Hodgson, A., y Engmann, C., «Clean delivery practices in rural northern Ghana : a qualitative study of community and provider knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs», BMC pregnancy and childbirth, p. 14 p.; 2 fig., 2012.
«CLTS contribution in improving sanitation and hygiene, Kitgum Matidi Sub County, Kitgum District», Documentation of good practices. 2012.
J. C. Correa, Pinto, D., Salas, L. A., Camacho, J. C., Rondón, M., y Quintero, J., «A cluster-randomized controlled trial of handrubs for prevention of infectious diseases among children in Colombia», Pan American journal of public health = Revista Panamericana de salud publica, pp. p. 476 - 484; 4 tab.; 3 fig., 2012.
Y. Groenewald, «Coal’s hidden water cost to South Africa». Greenpeace Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa, p. 12 p.; 1 map., 2012.
Coherence and harmonisation. 2012.
E. Perez, Cardosi, J., Coombes, Y., Devine, J., Grossman, A., Kullmann, C., Kumar, C. A., Mukherjee, N., Prakash, M., Robiarto, A., Setiawan, D., Singh, U., y Wartono, D., «Comment accélérer le développement de l’assainissement rural ?». Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, S.l., p. vii, 56 p., 9 fig., 6 tab., 2012.
E. Kvarnström, Verhagen, J., Vishwanath, Singh, K., y Ramachandran, S., Commercial productive use of faecal sludge : videofilm presented at the Asia regional sanitation and hygiene practitioners workshop, Dhaka, Banglade.. The Hague, The Netherlands: IRC, 2012, p. video (51 min :34 sec.).
K. Chaman, Miller, T., y Mitchell, P., «Communication for water sector reform : obstacles and opportunities», vol. no. 1. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. vi, 16 p. : 2 boxes, 2 fig., 2 tab., 2012.
F. Zewge, Emiru, T., Labhasetwar, P., Johnston, R., y Johnson, A., «Community and household water systems : risk assessment of fluorosis in rural villages of the Ethiopian Rift Valley», SANDEC news, p. p. 25; 1 fig., 2012.
Community development for health (CDH) improving sanitation, hygiene in the rural areas of Bhutan : workshop facilitators’ guide, Revised edition 2012.ª ed. Thimphu, Bhutan: SNV Bhutan (Thimphu), 2012, p. 6 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; boxes.
J. Nabunnya, Mirembe, L., Magara, P., Watsisi, M., y Otim, R., Community management of water services : approaches, innovations from Lango and Rwenzori regions. Kampala, Uganda: IRC Uganda, Sustainable Services at Scale - Triple‐S Uganda, 2012, p. 40 p.; ill.; fig.; tab.
M. Rabe, Maree, D., Ramano, R., y Price, G., Compendium of water conservation and water demand management : interventions and measures at the municipal level in South Africa. Gezina: Water Research Commission, WRC, 2012, p. 185 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; boxes.
E. Cole, Hawkley, M., Rubino, J. R., Crookston, B. T., McCue, K., Dixon, J., Maqelana, T., Cwayi, J., Adams, C., y Kim, J., «Comprehensive family hygiene promotion in peri-urban Cape Town : gastrointestinal and respiratory illness and skin infection reduction in children a..», South African journal of child health, pp. p. 109 - 117; 4 tab.; 1 fig., 2012.
D. Silva L. Muñoz, «Conversion of faecal sludge to liquid fuels. Why and how could it work for small-scale application? : a paper presented at the second conference on..», presented at the 2012-10-29, S.l., 2012, p. 7 p.; 4 fig.; 2 tab.
«Cost estimate for a Fossa Alterna made of local material». 2012.
«Cost estimate for an Arboloo made of local material». 2012.
J. Zita y Naafs, A., «Cost of PEC-Zonal Activities in Mozambique : analysis of contract costs from 2008 up to 2011», WASHCost Mozambique briefing notes. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 9 p. : 2 fig., 8 tab., 2012.
R. V. Reddy y Batchelor, C., «Cost of providing sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services : an initial assessment of a life-cycle cost approach (LCCA) in rural An..», Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 409 - 429; 10 fig.; 4 tab. , 2012.
WASHCost, «The cost of sustaining sanitation services for 20 years can be 5-20 times the cost of building a latrine», WASHCost global infosheets, vol. 2. IRC, The Hague, p. 6 p.; 2 tab., 2012.
G. Alivelu, Reddy, R., Bhushan, P., y Anitha, V., «Costs and service levels of water and sanitation: a study of peri-urban locations in Andhra Pradesh », WASHCost India-CESS working papers. Centre for Economic and Social Studies and IRC, Hyderabad, India, p. 43 p.; 32 Fig.; 8 Tab.;, 2012.


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