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Found 23549 results
Research Paper / Institute of Social Studies. .
Research progress information. .
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology -Kumasi, GH, KNUST, «Research proposal for the development of small scale systems for iron removal from groundwaters». Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, p. 14 p. + 4 annexes : tab.
Research publication. .
Research report / Asian Institute of Technology. .
Research report / Bralup. .
Research report / Bralup. New series. .
«Research report / Delft Hydraulics Laboratory». .
«Research report / DFID». .
International Food Policy Research Institute -Washington, DC, US, IFPRI, Research report / IFPRI. .
Research report / Indian human settlements programme. .
Research report / Institute of Resource Assessment. .
Research report / IWMI. .
S. E. Scandinavi Uppsala, Research report / SIAS. .
«Research report / Socio-Economic Units, Kerala». .
«Research report /WSP». .
Research reporting series. Environmental protection technology series. .
«Research study project report». .
«Research study series». .
Research-cum-Action Project Paper. .
D. K. Centre for Copenhagen, «Researching development». Centre for Development Research (CDR), Copenhagen, Denmark.
«Resources and conservation». .
«Reunion du Comite de concertation (Collaborative Council), Sophia Antipolis, 28 novembre - 1 decembre, 1989». .
«Reutilisation des eaux usees:une ressource durable au moyen orient et en Afrique». .
«A review of comprehensive water resources management in Japan : shared lessons for monsoon Asia». .


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