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Found 23538 results
Women and development working paper. .
Women and world development series. .
International Women's Tribune Centre -New York, NY, US, IWTC, «Women's globalnet». International Women's Tribune Centre (IWTC), New York, NY, USA.
«Women's participation in development : didactic bulletin / PRIA». .
Women's problems concerning water supply and sanitation : intentions on resolving an old problem. .
Z. A. Umgeni Wat Pietermaritzburg, «The wonder of water». Umgeni Water, External Education Services, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, p. Video (17 min.): VHS.
Working document / CORETECH. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CORETECH.
Working paper / Academy for Educational Development. Washington, DC, USA: Academy for Educational Development.
«Working paper / Andrew Young School of Policy Studies». .
Working paper / Crisis States Programme. London, UK: London School of Economics and Political Science, Development Studies Institute.
«Working paper / FAO Water». .
Working paper / HTN. .
«Working paper / ICIS». .
Working paper / IDS. .
Working paper / IIMI. .
Working paper / International Institute for Rural Reconstruction. .
«Working paper / ISS». Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Working paper / IWMI. .
Working paper / ODI. .
Working paper / Save the Children. London, UK: Save the Children (UK).
«Working Paper Series». .
Working paper series / Centre on Regulation and Competition. Manchester, UK: University of Manchester, Centre on Regulation and Competition.
«Working paper series / UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA.
Working paper / SKAT. .
Working paper / Stockholm Environment Institute. .


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