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Published on: 01/10/2012

We've just finalised a report on Self Supply that presents research undertaken with the Ministry of Water and Energy, UNICEF and RiPPLE, written by Sally Sutton, Lemessa Mekonta and myself. This is what it says on the back:

"Self Supply involves households taking the lead in their own development, making investments in the construction, upgrading and maintenance of their own water sources, lifting devices and storage facilities. In Ethiopia, traditional or family wells are common, providing access by the owners and their neighbours to a vital resource. Yet Self Supply’s contribution to providing water services is hidden. It has not been officially recognised until recently, and programmes to make it safer and more widespread are only on the drawing board. This report brings together the findings of two complementary research studies on the role of Self Supply in rural water services provision in two different regions of Ethiopia, Oromia and the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region. It aims to help fill some of the gaps in our knowledge about the existing performance of traditional wells, especially water quality, and the reasons that motivate families to build, improve and maintain their own water sources."

The report is available below.


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