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Published on: 11/10/2012

The approach affords the sector an opportunity to engage in continuous learning and reflection aimed at triggering change. This is one of the key approaches adopted by the Triple-S Project.

Triple-S facilitates the sharing of knowledge and reflection on the delivery of rural water services both at the national and sub national levels. One key mechanism used is the   learning alliances approach. The project is working closely with its host agency, the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) in supporting various learning processes designed to review, reflect and discuss how to engender sustainable water services in Ghana.

The Triple-S project has also provided support to the Resource Centre Network - a key national actor in facilitating water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector learning in Ghana. Furthermore, the project supports the organisation of the monthly National Level Learning Alliance Platform (NLLAP) meetings as part of its activities geared towards promoting sector wide learning and adaptive management.

At the sub national levels, the project promotes learning through existing platforms at regional and district level. Learning engagements at these levels, has focused on sharing evidence collated from the baseline study conducted on water service levels in each of the three Triple-S Ghana pilot districts. The evidence has formed the basis to kick start discussions on how to address the challenges related to sustainable water services and triggering action from the districts. The discussions of baseline data have led to each of the three Triple-S Ghana pilot districts developing water service delivery action plans to address emerging issues.

The following presentation demonstrates the structures and mechanisms for improving learning by the Triple-S Project.


Lamisi Dabire 
October 11, 2012

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