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Published on: 15/01/2014

Service Delivery Indicators (SDIs) are being developed in Uganda to supplement the national 11 golden indicators, which provide information on general aspects of rural water services (access to water, investments in the sector, water quality, func- tioning of management structure). Although very helpful for national stakeholders to take decisions and remedial actions, the golden indicators provide little information on the potential sustainability of water facilities and key background indicators that can be used to assess the reliability, the actual levels of water services being delivered to the population in rural areas, user satisfaction and technical backstopping to service providers.

The SDIs describe the way in which water supply services are delivered and supported across the different levels of service delivery: level of the actual service delivered, level of user satisfaction, level of service management, and level of the service authority and support mechanisms. The set of indicators presented in this document apply to both point sources and to piped schemes. Below is a summary of all indicators and sub-indicators.




Service delivered

Water quality

E. Coli; TDS; Turbidity

Water quantity

Water quantity delivered; Water quantity accessed


Number of users; Distance to water facility; Walking time


Uptime water facility

Quality of water source

Non exposure to pollution; Seasonal variations water quality; Seasonal variations yield

Users’ level

Users’ satisfaction with the service delivered

Users’ satisfaction with water quality; Users’ satisfaction with water quantity; Users’ satisfaction with accessibility; Users’ satisfaction with reliability

Users’ sense of ownership of water facility

Users’ financial contribution to Operation & Maintenance; Cleanliness of water facility surroundings

Service provision level

Service manager and operator composition and activeness

Functionality of service manager; Gender; Viability of scheme operator

Service manager’s and operator’s performance of tasks

Financial records; Collection user fees; Cost recovery; Meetings with users; Preventive maintenance;
Scheme operator’s reports; Meetings with tap committees; Relationships with service authority and support

Service manager and operator internal governance

Records on decision points; Transparency on Operation & Maintenance Fund

Service authority and support mechanisms / funcons

District Water Office (DWO) staffing

DWO staffing Levels

District planning

Planned investment based on equity

Community mobilisation pre-construction

Signed MoU; Community capital cash contribution; Land agreement

Support and supervision to service managers by service authority and HPMs

Reactivation of service managers;
Responsiveness District Water Office to major breakdowns; Responsiveness Hand Pump Mechanics/Technicians

Support and supervision to service managers by Umbrella Organisation

Support visit of Umbrella Organization

Responsiveness to major breakdowns by Umbrella Organization

Construction supervision

Construction supervision


Use of water facilities’ functionality data ; Monitoring of service managers’ activities

District coordination

Functionality District WATSAN Coordination Committee

Responsiveness of Technical Support Unit

Responsiveness of Technical Support Unit

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