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This book introduces Multi-Stage Filtration (MSF) as a sustainable technology that is in harmony with the local conditions and the available management capacity of most communities.

TitleMulti-stage filtration : an innovative water treatment technology
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsVisscher, JT, J. M., L, G. C., G
Secondary TitleTechnical paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 34-E
Paginationxiii, 165 p. : 68 fig., 60 tab
Date Published1998-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9066870281
Keywordsconstruction costs, design, dynamic roughing filtration, guidelines, maintenance, maintenance costs, multi-stage filtration, operation, planning, roughing filtration, sdiwat, slow sand filtration, upflow roughing filtration, water treatment plants

This book introduces Multi-Stage Filtration (MSF) as a sustainable technology that is in harmony with the local conditions and the available management capacity of most communities. The community can operate and maintain the system with a minimum of external support at an affordable cost to the users. It is a combination of coarse gravel pre-filtration and Slow Sand Filtration (SSF) and can treat water with levels of contamination well above the levels that can be treated by SSF alone. The authors discuss the necessity for a good link between agencies and communities to ensure sustainable water treatment; and the efficiency of the MSF technology in water quality improvement in relation to key public health parameters. They present information on costs and considerations for technology selection; detailed information on different gravel filtration systems; and examples of different MSF systems selected to treat water sources with different levels of sanitary risk. The MSF options discussed in the guide include dynamic roughing filtration and SSF, applied individually or in combination with upflow roughing filters in layers and in series.


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