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TitleParticipation of women in water supply and sanitation : roles and realities
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1985
Authorsvan Wijk-Sijbesma, CA
Secondary TitleTechnical paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 22
Paginationxiii, 191 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1985-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9066870060
Keywordsadministration, community participation, evaluation, health education, impact, literature reviews, m, maintenance, planning, sanitation, sustgen, tp29, wasp, water supply, water use, wb, women's work

A comprehensive review of 775 documents has indicated many aspects of traditional involvement of women in water supply and sanitation, which have implications for projects and programmes designed to improve these provisions. Their traditional involvement demonstrates that women have a potential role in such projects which will benefit both the project and the women themselves and which will contribute to wider development. Comparison of their actual participation with these potential roles shows the contributions made by women to planning and design, construction, maintenance and management of improved water supply and sanitation and to health education, and denotes areas for further development and research.


Bibliography: p. 121-184. - Includes country and subect index

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Original PublicationGender in water resources management, water supply and sanitation : roles and realities revisited


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