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TitleHandbook for appropriate water and wastewater technology for Latin America and the Caribbean
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsMartin, EJ
Paginationxxvii, 539 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1988-01-01
PublisherInter-American Development Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsappropriate technology, caribbean, costs, disposal, evaluation, latin america, maintenance, manuals, operation, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment, water treatment

The handbook is divided in 3 sections. The first reviews some 43 different technologies for water supply and wastewater collection and disposal which were determined to be particularly appropriate for developing countries. This section provides a description of their salient features and lists the advantages and disadvantages, costs, operation and maintenance characteristics, control required and special factors for each of them. It also gives recommendations for their use. The second section provides case studies of 26 technologies which although not in widespread use do have good potential for application in Latin America and the Caribbean. The third section is devoted to assisting the reader in making an evaluation and appropriate selection of technologies for the conditions under which they are to be used. It includes both matrices as well as tables to facilitate comparison. Major purpose of the handbook is to assist engineers and planners in an appropriate selection of the technology to be used in ws&s projects for small cities and towns. It should also serve as a general reference for the various technologies which have been included

NotesBibliography: p. 397-401 and p. 521-522
Custom 1250, 341.0


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