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Document seeks to introduce project planners and managers to the concept that, in addition to infrastructure improvements, consideration must also be given to hygiene behaviour changes when aiming to achieve health benefits with water supply and sanitatio

TitleRethinking sanitation : adding behavioral change to the project mix
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsYacoob, M, Braddy, B, Edwards, L
Secondary TitleWash technical report
Volumeno. 72
Paginationvi, 44 p.: 2 fig.
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsattitudes, behaviour, cab92/3, food hygiene, hand washing, health education, health impact, hyedsan, kap surveys, mceff, methodology, planning, projects, sanitation, source protection

Document seeks to introduce project planners and managers to the concept that, in addition to infrastructure improvements, consideration must also be given to hygiene behaviour changes when aiming to achieve health benefits with water supply and sanitation projects. The authors point out that in the past too much emphasis has been placed on technological solutions, without due consideration being given to behavioural considerations such as safe excreta disposal, protection of drinking water sources, and the need for hand-washing before handling food. Such measures could significantly improve community health. The report is neither a how-to manual nor a comprehensive guideline, but instead an attempt to discuss the how and why of behavioural change as an element of water and sanitation projects.

Notes42 ref.
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