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TitleTechnical assistance program for the Ministry of Water Resources, Sultanate of Oman.
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsLuxton, SS, Heineman, MC, Hodgkin, JP, Lang, PT, Meyer, FW, Miner, R, Schartzman, PN, Taylor, KC
Secondary TitleWash field report
Volumeno. 353
Pagination7 vol. (lxxviii, 308 p.) : fig., tab., map.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordscatchment areas, horizontal wells, hydrogeology, infiltration galleries, oman, planning, projects, recharge, remote sensing, saline water intrusion, water resources management

Parts 1 & 2 introduction and background; part 3 wadi gauging network rationalization and upgrade; part 4 salt water intrusion monitoring and remediation; part 5 alternative well technologies for use in saline ground systems; part 6 small basin management; part 7 geophysics; part 8 applications for remote sensing. - Includes references This report was produced as part of a Technical Assistance Program For the Ministry of Water Resources, Sultanate of Oman. The Program aimed to assist the Ministry of Water Resources to 1. strengthen all aspects of its operations, 2. establish a strong technical base, and 3. develop policy and procedures.

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