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TitleBaseline study handbook : focus on the field
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsFreudenthal, S, Narrowe, J
Edition3rd ed.
Pagination51 p.: 1 box, 1 fig., 2 drwng.
Date Published1995-01-01
PublisherSIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Place PublishedStockholm, Sweden
ISSN Number9158671838
Keywordsbaseline studies, evaluation, manuals

This pamphlet contains a general outline for "baseline studies", i.e. those studies necessary to collect data for the final evaluation of a project. Baseline studies can also be used to increase the efficiency of planning and monitoring. It explains how to identify benchmarks and indicators, the reasons behind and uses of baseline studies, personnel, methodology, time plans and reporting. Examples are given of socio-economic information, sector-specific information, and community issues. Along with the pertinent information areas, specific questions are presented relating to information. Field methods including workshops, diagrammatic methods, informal surveys and many more are presented.

Notes22 ref.
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