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A workshop was held in September 1992 to monitor the progress of the Water and Sanitation for Health and Ecuadorian Development Project (WASHED), a joint effort between USAID/Ecuador and the Ecuadorian Insititute for Sanitary Works (IEOS).

TitleProject monitoring report 1991-92 : water and sanitation for health and Ecuadorian development (WASHED)
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsEdwards, DB, Torres, M
Secondary TitleWash field report
Volumeno. 384
Paginationviii, 79 p.
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsappropriate technology, construction, ecuador, health education, institutional development, maintenance, monitoring, operation, planning, projects, recommendations, training

A workshop was held in September 1992 to monitor the progress of the Water and Sanitation for Health and Ecuadorian Development Project (WASHED), a joint effort between USAID/Ecuador and the Ecuadorian Insititute for Sanitary Works (IEOS). This report summarizes the purpose, process, and results of the workshop, which reviewed progress made by the project from July 1991 to September 1992.

NotesIncludes appendixes in Spanish
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