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This manual has been developed to assist NGOs in the organization of resources, the dissemination of information, and how to share the information that they possess.

TitleWhere there is no librarian : an information management manual
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsMuya, EW, Macharia, D
Pagination84, viii p.: drwng., photogr.
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherEnvironment Liaison Centre International
Place PublishedNairobi, Kenya
Keywordsadministration, cataloguing, equipment, information dissemination, information services, information sources, information systems, libraries, manuals

This manual has been developed to assist NGOs in the organization of resources, the dissemination of information, and how to share the information that they possess. It is aimed at marginal and grassroots organizations working in the fields of environment and development. Particular attention has been given to the selection, ordering and processing of documents. Lending, circulation, preservation and networking are also discussed.

NotesIncludes glossary and index
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