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As countries around the world have addressed their ever more pressing needs in water management, several basic institutional principles have evolved.

TitleWater resources institutions : some principles and practices
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsFrederiksen, HD
Secondary TitleWorld Bank technical paper
Volumeno. 191
Paginationviii, 40 p.: 1 fig.
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
ISBN Number0821322958
Keywordscost recovery, financial management, financing, government organizations, institutional framework, legislation, non-governmental organizations, water authorities, water management, water rights

As countries around the world have addressed their ever more pressing needs in water management, several basic institutional principles have evolved. The administration of resources allocation, organizational structure, long-term and real-time management and the financing of essential activities follow similar paths in these countries. Examples in this paper illustrate the variations in application as influenced by the particular situations, including their history and stage of resources development.

Notes18 ref.
Custom 1202.2


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