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TitleRegional urban sanitation workshop : Eastern and South Eastern Africa : Mukono, Uganda 23rd - 26th May 1994 : proceedings
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsUG, UMinistry o
Paginationv, 31 p. : fig., 3 photogr.
Date Published1994-01-01
PublisherUNDP-World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group East Africa, World Bank
Place PublishedNairobi, Kenya
Keywordsappropriate technology, burkina faso ouagadougou, cab94/6, case studies, community participation, constraints, demand responsive approaches, financing, ghana ashanti region kumasi, institutional framework, legislation, lesotho, partnerships, policies, sanitation, tanzania dar es salaam, urban areas

This regional workshop on urban sanitation was attended by participants from Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Other participants were resource staff from UNICEF, UNCHS Habitat, the World Bank, and the UNDP/World Bank Water and Sanitation Program. The workshop provided a forum for the exchange of urban sanitation experiences, problems and solutions. Country case studies were presented to highlight sector practices which have contributed to improved services. One example is the use of the rapid urban environmental assessment approach to place sanitation services in the context of environmental management. There was also a presentation on present sector trends and practices from recent global experiences, such as: demand-driven service and delivery; community management; strategic planning; and increased private sector involvement. A presentation of health and sanitation emphasized the health impact of water and sanitation improvements. Working groups indentified key urban sanitation issues facing the various countries in the region. These included finance, technology, institutional issues and partnership, government policy and legislation, communication, and participation. This publication includes a list of participants with their addresses, a bibliography, and an overview of sanitation planning tools.

Custom 1305.40, 824
Original PublicationRegional urban low-cost sanitation workshop : country sanitation notes and information and background sheets



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