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TitleLa problematica de los asentamientos espontaneos de las zonas inundables de Asuncion : una propuesta de solucion
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsV. R., I
Pagination574 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherBASE - Educacion, Comunicacion y Tecnologia Alternativa
Place PublishedAsuncion, Paraguay
Keywordscosts, economic aspects, floods, hydraulics, infrastructure, legislation, paraguay, paraguay asuncion, policies, safe water supply, social aspects, squatter settlements, technology
Notes30 ref.
Custom 1205.42, 827
Custom 2Maps and/or technical drawings available
Translated TitleProblems in squatter settlements prone to flooding in Asuncion : a proposal to solve the problem

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