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TitleKazakhstan water supply, sanitation & health project (KWSSHP)
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsHewawasam, T
Pagination32 p.: 1 box, 6 fig., 1 map, 2 tab.
Date Published1995-01-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsability to pay, aral sea, cost recovery, evaluation, health, health education, institutional aspects, kazakhstan, logical framework approach, maintenance, operation, projects, rural areas, safe water supply, sanitation, technology, willingness to pay

Part I of this report aims at providing background for the proposed project and its design. It first gives an overview of the Aral Sea Environmental Disaster in Kazakhstan; the affected areas and the socio-economic impact of the crisis. Then it presents an overall picture of existing water supply and sanitation conditions together with the resultant adverse impact on human health, well being and living conditions. Having depicted the existing institutional framework to deal with water supply and sanitation, it finally discusses main issues that have to be addressed in implementing the proposed project. Part II of the report aims to set out a programme design on a logical framework which will address the issues relating to water supply, sanitation and health, discussed in Part I. It starts by providing an insight into the complexity and causal relationship of the problem and discusses how ultimate objectives and the components of the project are logically connected in addressing the existing issues. It then presents an outline of the project design. Finally a framework for the implementation of the pilot projects is provided.

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