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This paper reviews a general strategy for selecting water sources following a disaster and considers in detail simple water treatment options. These options are: storage, filtration, chemical disinfection, and boiling.

TitleSome options for water treatment in disaster situations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsEllis, KV, Cotton, AP, Khowaja, MA
Paginationp. 303-310: 4 tab.
Date Published1994-01-01
Keywordsboiling, disinfection, emergency operations, filtration, guidelines, iodine, laboratory testing, source selection, water storage, water treatment

This paper reviews a general strategy for selecting water sources following a disaster and considers in detail simple water treatment options. These options are: storage, filtration, chemical disinfection, and boiling. Laboratory studies were conducted on efficacy of storage and iodine disinfection of contaminated surface waters. Based on these investigations guidelines are provided for minimum water treatment in disaster situations for four different grades of polluted water. For each pollution grade three or four options, principally involving short-term storage and chemical disinfection, are provided depending on how urgently water is required.

Notes14 ref.
Custom 1250, 274


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