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The town of Sanganer, India, is experiencing high cadmium levels in the groundwater, possibly caused by the local cottage industries, such as textiles, printing, blue potteries and hand-made paper.

TitleStudy reveals cadmium-polluted groundwater pollution in India
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsGupta, A, Nathawat, GS
Paginationp. 25-26 : 2 tab., photogr.
Date Published1992-01-01
Keywordsgroundwater pollution, heavy metals, india rajasthan sanganer, industrial wastewater, potteries, printing industry, pulp and paper industry, textile industry, urban areas

The town of Sanganer, India, is experiencing high cadmium levels in the groundwater, possibly caused by the local cottage industries, such as textiles, printing, blue potteries and hand-made paper. These industries use large amounts of water in their manufacturing processes, discharging them untreated into local fields and surface waters. Acids, alkalies, toxic substances, and dyes containing cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury and copper have been so released into the environment. High levels of cadmium and iron in the groundwater has been causing respiratory disorders, hematuria and bladder cancer in inhabitants. Symptoms of arsenic poisoning were also noted, but tests for arsenic were unable to be performed. Increased consumer awareness, better legislation and technical treatment of effluents are suggested by the authors.

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