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This report reproduces (in edited form) the papers presented at the fifth UNU Global Environment Forum.

TitleFreshwater resources in arid lands : UNU global environmental forum V
Publication TypeConference Report
AuthorsUitto, JI, Schneider, J
Paginationxiv, 94 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published1970-01-01
PublisherUnited Nations University Press
Place PublishedTokyo, Japan
ISBN Number9280809822
Keywordsarid zones, case studies, china, desalination, indigenous knowledge, japan miyakojima islands, middle east, sdiwrm, water resources, water shortage

This report reproduces (in edited form) the papers presented at the fifth UNU Global Environment Forum. The issues covered include historical perspectives on how people in dry environments have developed ingenious survival strategies; modern technologies, such as desalinization and underground dams; and the impact of global warming on freshwater resources. The order has been somewhat revised. The first chapter outlines the broad issues involved in the development of freshwater in arid lands. The next three chapters focus on arid zones in the Middle East and in China. The next chapter describes the underground dam, a technology being used on small islands facing water shortages in Japan. The last paper considers the impact of global climate change on groundwater resources. The book ends with a summary of the panel discussion which took place at the meeting. The authors conclude that equally as important as improving the water supply is the efficient management of water demand; a more economical use of limited freshwater resources will be essential for reaching sustainable development.

NotesIncludes references
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