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TitleTowards sustainable water supply and sanitation project management in rural Ghana : a case of the Danish water project in the Kpando District
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsKoku, JE
Secondary TitleThesis report series / Royal Institute of Technology
Volumeno. 1997:21
Pagination84 p. : 6 fig., 4 ill., 14 tab.
Date Published1997-08-01
PublisherRoyal Institute of Technology, Division of Land and Water Resources
Place PublishedStockholm, Sweden
Keywordscase studies, community participation, demand responsive approaches, field studies, ghana volta region kpando district, health education, policies, projects, research, rural areas, sanitation, sdiafr, sdiman, socioeconomic impact, sustainability, water supply

This thesis evaluates the sustainability of the Danish Water Project (also referred to as the Volta Rural Water and Sanitation Project) in the Kpando District, Ghana. It is based on a review of project documents and a field study (self-administered questionnaires and interviews) in ten out of the 38 communities in the project area. The thesis examines the level of public participation, public health and environmental education, and other components of the project's demand-driven strategy for rural water supply and sanitation management. Problems hindering the smooth running of the project, its socio-economic impact and prospects are also dealt with. Finance was found to be one of the limiting factors influencing facility adoption in the study area. The thesis concludes with policy recommendations on the sustainability of the project.

Notes34 ref.
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