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This report reviews ways to establish and maintain multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary networks whose key commodity is knowledge, but whose objectives might be broader than merely research and development.

TitleModels of multidisciplinary, multisectoral networks : a collection of case studies to aid the development of a global information network on medicinal plants
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsIDRC -Ottawa, Ont., CA, International Development Research Centre, Conseil Equilibrio Consulting -Wakefield, Que, CA
Pagination34 p.
Date Published1999-10-31
PublisherInternational Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Place PublishedNew Delhi, India
Keywordscase studies, evaluation, information networks, models, sdiinf

This report reviews ways to establish and maintain multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary networks whose key commodity is knowledge, but whose objectives might be broader than merely research and development. It begins with a working definition or model of a multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary network. This is followed by case studies of four existing networks: the Mountain Forum; the Biodiversity Clearing-house Mechanism (CHM); GARNET; and the International Model Forest Network. Other examples of networks are also provided. The report concludes with lessons learned on: the launch process and maintaining momentum; communication policies and technologies, risks; and sustainability.

Notes13 ref.
Custom 1503


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