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TitleSummary report of workshop on livelihoods, water resources and WATSAN
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsMoriarty, PB, Butterworth, J, Reed, B
Pagination14 p.
Date Published2001-01-01
Keywordslow-income communities, policies, sanitation, sdiwrm, sustainable livelihoods, water resources management, water supply, whirl (water, households and rural livelihoods) project

Workshop held during the 27th WEDC Conference, Lusaka, Zambia, 2001 : People and systems for water, sanitation and health, where a group of multi-disciplinary WATSAN professionals from 13 countries met to discuss the current role of the WATSAN sector in water resources management and the key water resource issues affecting the sector. This summary report includes:
• the message included at the start of this report – this was the main output from the workshop
• notes from the three workshop groups: policy and reality, WATSAN and livelihoods, and WATSAN in WRM
• a list of workshop participants

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