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This resource book brings together field experiences dealing with social and institutional issues of watershed management in India.

TitleSocial and institutional issues in watershed management in India
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsInternational Institute of Rural Reconstruction -Silang, PH, IIRR, Pune, INOikos -
Paginationxii, 407 p. : ill.
Date Published2000-07-01
PublisherInternational Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Place PublishedCavite, Philippines
ISBN Number0942717864
Keywordscapacity building, case studies, community participation, evaluation methods, financial management, financing, gender, india, institutional aspects, monitoring, participatory methods, planning, replicability, sdiasi, sdiman, sdipar, sdiwrm, social aspects, sustainability, water resources management

This resource book brings together field experiences dealing with social and institutional issues of watershed management in India. It covers a number of common principles that have emerged to put community participation into practice: an integrated approach; participatory planning; institutional arrangements at the community level; equity; capacity building; cost sharing; micro-finance interventions; participatory monitoring and evaluation; and sustainability and scaling up.

NotesIncludes list of acronyms and glossary of terms
Custom 1210, 822, 205.1



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