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TitleShare and share alike : reflections on facilitating the Global Applied Research Network (GARNET)
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsSaywell, D, Woodfield, J, Cotton, A
Pagination29 p.
Date Published2001-06-01
PublisherWater, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC
Place PublishedLoughborough, UK
Keywordsevaluation, guidelines, information networks, research, sanitation, sdiinf, water supply

This report highlights lessons learned during the facilitation of the Global Applied Research Network (GARNET) by the Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) from late 1993 to April 2001. It deals with such questions as incentives for participation, promotion of benefits, the role and impact of information technologies, decentralization of network activities, collaboration on networking events, and monitoring and evaluation. The report also provides a brief history of the development of GARNET and short background papers on the management of networks and e-conferences.

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