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TitleHealth aspects of nightsoil and sludge use in agriculture and aquaculture. Part I : Existing practices and beliefs in the utilization of human excreta ; Part II : Pathogen survival
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsStrauss, M, Cross, P
Secondary TitleIRCWD report
Volumeno. 04/85
Paginationca. 150 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1986-01-01
PublisherInternational Reference Centre for Waste Disposal
Place PublishedDuebendorf, Switzerland
Keywordsafrica, beliefs, biogas production, case studies, china, composting, crop production, cultural aspects, excreta disposal systems, excreta use, fish, health aspects, literature reviews, muslims, oxidation ponds, pathogens, protozoa, soils, sub-saharan africa
NotesIncludes references
Custom 1302.1, 303, 352.0



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