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This 28-minute video presentation in Nepali (with English subtitles) shows the very lively discussions between the inhabitants of the rural Nepali village, Lele, about the daily problems of their water supply system and its management.

TitleWater / pani
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsIRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, NEWAH -Kathmandu, NP, Nepal Water for Health
Paginationvideo (28 min.) : VHS/PAL
Date Published2000-01-01
PublisherNepal Water for Health (NEWAH)
Place PublishedKathmandu, Nepal
Keywordsaudiovisual aids, community management, nepal, rural communities, safe water supply, sdiasi, sdipar, training

This 28-minute video presentation in Nepali (with English subtitles) shows the very lively discussions between the inhabitants of the rural Nepali village, Lele, about the daily problems of their water supply system and its management. It follows the growing conflict in the community after a water pipe and tap system was installed. Gender and caste differences play a vital part in the disputes as women and lower caste members are excluded from decision making even though they are the principal users. The video tracks the wide disparity in control and communication revealing frustrations that result in the pipe being cut and maintenance fees unpaid. The lesson portrayed is that even small scale models of development will not work unless traditional social infrastructure, especially gender biases and cultural discrimination, are not addressed by donors and local managers. The video is aimed at staff working in the water sector, field staff, developers of training material and trainers. It can be used in training sessions, for example, to start discussion about the critical aspects of community water supply management.

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