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TitleGlobal population and water : access and sustainability
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsUNFPA -New York, NY, US
Secondary TitlePopulation and development strategies
Volumeno. 6
Paginationxiii, 57 p. : 12 boxes, 8 fig., 3 maps, 2 tab.
Date Published2003-03-01
PublisherUnited Nations Population Fund
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
ISSN Number 0897146581
Keywordsaccess to water, gender, health impact, international cooperation, legislation, policies, population, sdipol, sustainable development, water consumption, water demand, water use, water-related diseases

The report covers the population, gender and health dimensions related to the ongoing debate on water resources. It deals with Global population; Sustainable development; Access to water; International agreements; Millennium Development Goals: water, food and sustainable development; Human needs; Gender and women's empowerment; Water consumption and sustainability; Managing water use; Competing demands; Water regulation; Water access and hazards to health; Water-related diseases and their effect on reproductive health; Malaria during pregnancy; Anaemia during pregnancy ; and Chemical contaminants and reproductive health.

Notes49 ref.
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