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This document identifies the key challenges in relation to achieving the international sanitation target adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002.

TitleSanitation and the poor
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsCotton, A, Scott, R, Govindan, B
Paginationvi, 20 p. : fig., 22 boxes.
Date Published2003-07-01
PublisherWater, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC
Place PublishedLoughborough, UK
Keywordsbehaviour, case studies, diarrhoeal diseases, disease transmission, gender, health education, health hazards, hygiene, latrines, policies, poverty, programmes, sanitation, sdihyg, sdipol

This document identifies the key challenges in relation to achieving the international sanitation target adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002. It looks at the processes at the national level which are required to translate visions into action and the reasons why so many people do not have sanitation. Requirements to provide access to sustainable sanitation services are included as well as the role of government, capacity development, and the key issues in relation to policy, strategic planning, programme development, implementation and monitoring.

Notes17 ref.
Custom 1304


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