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TitleAn integrated economic and social analysis to asses the impact of vegetable and fishponds technologies on poverty in rural Bangaldesh
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsBegum, S, Hallman, K, Lewis, D
Secondary TitleEPTD discussion paper
Volumeno. 112
Pagination88 p. : 16 tab.
Date Published2003-10-01
PublisherInternational Food Policy Research Institute, IFPRI
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsagriculture, bangladesh, data analysis, extension, fishponds, impact assessment, methodology, non-governmental organizations, poverty, research, rural areas, sdiasi, sdigen, social aspects, sustainable livelihoods, women
Notes24 ref. FCND discussion paper; no. 163
Custom 1202.1



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