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TitleModelling scenarios for water resources management in the Sand River Catchment, South Africa
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsSmits, S, Pollard, S, D. Toit, du, Butterworth, J, Moriarty, PB
Secondary TitleWHIRL Project working paper
Volumeno. 8
Pagination20 p. : 5 fig., 8 tab.
Date Published01/2004
PublisherIRC and Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich
Place PublishedChatham, UK
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordscatchment areas, infrastructure, models, rural areas, sdiwrm, south africa sand river, water demand, water resources management, water supply, whirl (water, households and rural livelihoods) project

In South Africa, various initiatives look into water resources and water demand on a catchment scale for the Basic Human Needs Reserve, Ecological Reserve and for licensing for other uses. This WhiRL project investigated the integration of water services with catchment level water resources and infrastructure planning. As part of that work, the Resources, Infrastructure, Demand and entitlement (RIDe) methodology was developed. RIDe is a simple framework with generic application.
This paper discusses the use of water resources modelling tools as part of the application of the RIDe methodology in order to assess possible management scenarios for water resources in the Sand River Catchment. To manage the large of amount of data collected, an MS-Excel spreadsheet was developed to carry out the initial analysis for the Sand River Catchment, modelling resource availability and demand at a quaternary catchment level without explicitly modelling the infrastructural link between the two. The need to look in greater detail at both the water resources, and the degree to which domestic entitlements were being met, the Aquator software package, a mass balance model with a graphical interface, was selected for a more precise modelling of water resources, infrastructure and use of the catchment.
An extensive modelling exercise was carried out in order to confirm and refine previous results from spreadsheet modelling. To understand the water supply problems of individual communities and water supply systems, the following topics were analysed : water supply infrastructure, domestic needs, environmental needs, irrigation and forestry, and communication with non-specialist stakeholders.


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Citation Key56491



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